Connecting Dots

Slow but steady steps sounded outside the room, and within a few seconds, someone approached the infirmary room from outside. 

But instead of entering the room, a shadow formed on the door and stood there in silence. It looked like it had no intention to barge inside. While on the other side, a girl who was sitting on the hospital bed inside the room, too persisted in silence.



Finally, a barely audible sound of the room door being pushed in arose. With that, a young man with long black hair falling up to his eyes, and a detached-looking countenance walked in. The first thing that came into his view was a short-haired girl sitting there almost in a daze, who finally wavered upon seeing him. 

Fleur had mostly recovered from her exhaustion, but her eyes nonetheless lack that steadiness and glow of life, looking much like she was still caught in an eternal daze.