
"Oh, God! I am saved. It's good that I took my holidays from the Academy to run away at once. As long as I can leave Terra City, everything will be fine. "

Bradd murmured as he locked the traveling case floating alongside him. After quick clicking, it was set to the 'Follower' mode and will chase after him while floating in the air till he reaches his destination.

He glanced at the maglev train station which was built underground, but still looked no shabby than the expansive infrastructure built above ground on Terra city. 

And why wouldn't it be? It is one of the major points for people to associate the city with Greenland country. Except for airways, and waterways, this is the only land way open for people to move between cities. 

He sighed, "Am I running away in fear? Well, it could be said like that but…but I have no choice left already."