Meeting deciding Crey's fate

"Who gave you permission for that? What a bulls*it! "

An old man slammed the paper tab on the table which trembled loudly. He was standing and staring daggers at the two people, especially the young Major sitting opposite to him in this Academy Meeting. 

It's been three days since the incident where the whole Academy came to know about the so-called 'undercover operation' of Major Moy and his faction. But like it is said that 'every dog has its day'. 

If that day was of Major Moy such that he was able to fool the whole Academy to extract his student from the Academy. Then, today was the day of this old man.

"What do you have to say? Huh? And you 'My dear General' Dan," The old man mustered a fake smile to glance at the bald man who was sitting beside Major Moy this time. 

"I am shocked and disappointed. Since when did you quit the neutral stance to join a failing revolution?"