Mantis peeking from behind

The odd-looking group of two young men and six attendants and Fighters walked inside the Space hub in a hurry. One common thing shared by all members of this group was that this was their first visit to such an airport. They were amazed to see the hustle and bustle of this region, so much so that even Maverick couldn't hold back from commenting, 

"Is…it always so crowded?"

The other people marveled along, but only Crey was one of them whose eyes flashed with an eerie light. The news Captain had told him just recently flickered once again in his mind. 

In the jet -

"Earth…is finished. In the latest council meeting of SSF(Solar System Federation), they have decided to revoke the 'Planet' status of Earth due to its lack of proper re-development and pretty much unchanged useless state since Apocalypse."