A slice of daily life

"Knock! Knock!"

A long horizontal wall suddenly turned transparent, surprising Crey as he raised his eyebrows. But his surprise didn't last long, as a man with white hair and wrinkles on his face walked out of his small shop and stopped just before the Crey, with an invisible wall between them.

'Is it solid?'

Crey thought as he raised his hand to touch the wall and as he expected, the wall was solid between him and the old man. It was a novel experience for him, as for the first time he had seen tech like this. The old man on the other side wasn't annoyed by Crey's curiosity as he gave him plenty of time to explore his wall tech.

"Ahem!" Crey coughed as he finally realized that he was taking a lot of time from someone. He hurriedly coughed to express his embarrassment, as he asked a question. 

"Sir, I am sorry for that. I am here to visit Allan Trumann's house. Can you point me in the right direction?"