Unhinged Man or Unhinged Girl

"What about the girl?" 

A bald man with a bionic right eye implant asked in a serious voice. He was the famous 'Tiger' of the Tiger gang of the Kraken Bazaar. Right now he was sitting at their main headquarters, on the couch in his well-furnished room.

But from the tone of his voice as well as his frustrating expression, it was clear that he wasn't the least bit happy about this situation. His second-in-command or rather his close brother glanced up from his tab and gave a blank expression.

"Which girl?"

Tiger gave a serious stare down, which ultimately cracked the facade of the man who laughingly replied back, 

"Hehe…Just kidding. She is giving no problems. It's almost fine, she still eats only packaged instant food and water. In her words, she never got to try these at her home. So, she was happy to eat these here."