To do next?

A dull pain throbbed in the psyche of Crey, as he found himself groaning even before discovering his seriously injured condition. Before the awareness returned to him, all he felt was constant discomfort in his body. But despite that inadvertent moaning and groaning, his eyes were still shut securely. He was not yet able to break himself out of slumber. 

It was like Crey's body was deliberately keeping itself in a forced coma like a self-preservation mode, until now….


Like a bubble being burst, abruptly Crey's eyes snapped open with a start as he grunted loudly. His pupils dilated as he looked around but upon finding himself in unfamiliar surroundings he soon calmed down rather quickly, pushed into imperfect 'zero mode' by his subconscious.

'Right! Bazaar...Explosion…. I am alive!'