Kraken's Coilback

At the estate where Kraken bazaar's bosses were being kept in. There was a pin-drop silence in the former meeting room. Mostly old men were sitting like grim statues, with twenty-something well-equipped soldiers keeping eyes on them like predatory hawks. 

They were genetically enhanced soldiers of Genesis city, of course under the command of Sir Smith. Given strict orders to annex the Kraken Bazaar in one go, they had orders to shoot anyone at their discretion. 

With the example of one local big shot already lying dead on the floor, the room soon descended into complete obedience. 

Although this division of soldiers was unaware of the chaotic brawl happening right now at Bird's headquarters, even if they knew, they still wouldn't have made any moves to leave their positions. The standing orders from the Chief took precedence over any chaos.