Going back!

"Idiots! Idiots! You lot are idiots! Where is the result? I want results not these excuses…."

Crash! Crash! Crash!

Repeated loud sounds of abuse were coming repeatedly from inside the personal office of Doctor Q. The normal crew members of the spaceship who have recently been acquainted with Doctor were having a hard time used to it. Unlike the faithful members of Doctor's team who were quite used to Doctor's fluctuating unstable behavior. 

After asking for a solution, the only advice they obtained from veteran members of the Doctor's team was to ignore it to the best of their abilities. They should just keep their head low, feign being buried in their work and only pray to not be summoned by him as the next target of verbal abuse.

"What happened now?" 

A crew worker of the Spaceship went ahead and hooked her hand at the elbow of her senior friend, probing her for the latest gossip regarding Doctor's loud anger.