Fumiko's First Fight Part 3

Yuki doesn't care if people were really to think of her as a biased person, she will be biased as much as she wants because the person who was being talked about was her wife, so it was only natural for her to stand up for her even no matter what is the situation they were in.

"Master is indeed very wise…" The Fairy Spirit said as she no longer couldn't find any words to refute that as she also knew what her Master was trying to tell her. It was simply the truth if her Mistress got the right nurturing in time, she would definitely be one of the most powerful fighters in the world. The sheer amount of Talent she had was absurd, she had already seen and watched how she got stronger in such a short amount of time, it was simply unbelievable. So, her becoming one of the most powerful is not just a dream.

As long as there were no accidents were to happen, but considering it was the woman of her Master she was talking about, there was no possible way that she would die. Give her a millennia and she would be at the top of the world as being the most powerful woman alongside her Master.

"You were just thinking she would be one of the most powerful fighters in the Immortal Realm, right?" Yuki asked with a faint smile on her face as she took another sip of her hot tea, her eyes then wandered towards Fumiko for a few seconds before going back to her little Fairy Spirit who had a confused look on her face.

"Yes, is there something wrong about that, Master?"

"No, there is nothing wrong with what you were thinking. Because she can really be, that is if she wants to. But considering her personality, that is not going to happen, I also don't have any plans in mind that want her to be on the frontline. There's no way I'll let that happen. She hates wars, killings, and everything that is bad in her morals." Yuki answered her question she then took all of her attention back to Fumik who was already on the verge of winning even though she had been just fighting for a few minutes.

A few minutes ago before their battle started…

Fumiko was still very nervous, but she didn't let that control her. She knew that her life might as well be in danger at this moment, she was the only one right now who was going to fight, and she still had so many people to fight. If she were to lose, she would disappoint Yuki and herself. She was so proud before thinking that she could actually make Yuki take a step back in their spar, but if she couldn't even defeat the opponents in front of her, how would she be able to fight with Yuki?

Without wasting any more time, Fumiko used her Nanobots to create a Gun that was based on the Guns that Yuki was making. Since she was extremely familiar with them, she even had the blueprint for some of them, she could make them in detail and even better as her Nanobots were extremely powerful. Making Dual Pistols, taking a deep breath, she begins firing them.


"What the fuck are those!?" The Vampire said as he began to dodge the bullets as hard as he could, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't dodge all of them. When Fumiko already run out of bullets, the Vampire in front of her was already full of holes from all of the damage that he received from her.

That was all she did for a full minute or so, firing all of her bullets to the Vampire which led her to such an easy win, or so she thought. When she was about to call out for Yuki to say that had defeated her enemy, she felt an immense killing intent behind her and thanks to her fast reflexes, she was able to dodge the attack from the Vampire, while receiving just a small cut.

"Naive! Do you really think that you will be able to kill me with just that? I will show you how a real Vampire fights!" The Vampire yelled as he once again closed their distance and tried to slash Fumiko's face with his claws.

But it was blocked by Fumiko's quick reflexes by using her Dual Pistol to block them and under her quick thinking, she then disassembled her Guns and quickly turned them into a block of metal that cast throughout the entire hands of the Vampire making his arms useless. But it wasn't still enough for Fumiko to win.

The Vampire opened its mouth and unleashed a powerful flame breath that burned the sides of Fumiko because she dodged out of it too late. The Vampire easily destroyed the block of metal covering his hands before finally taking out his weapon which was a set of gloves that had knives sticking out of them.

"This is bad… I can't let that hit me." Fumiko begins to panic a little but she then remembers what Yuki had taught her which was to never panic in a fight as it would only hasten her defeat.

She now knows that she can no longer fight this by going the long-range as her enemy has already adapted through her battle style which was using guns, she now had to fight at close range, but she knows that was her weakness. She was weak at fighting melee, which is why she had to improvise and fight her enemies using guns from far away, even though Yuki said nothing about it since it was completely fine. She said that she should still learn some martial arts in case of something like this were to happen and just as she was about to make a weapon again, she was stopped by the voice of Yuki in her head.

"Don't switch, you'll only lose faster. Think with your head how you can win, and use what you have as an advantage." Yuki's words rang in her head and when she finally understood her words, the Vampire was already in front of her who was ready to take out her head in one attack.

"Nano Smite!"

The last thing that the Vampire saw was the millions of flashing lights in front of him before he went completely blind. He felt his eyes burning from the pain of being blinded by Fumiko's attack, but that wasn't all, his body began to bleed all over even though it seemed that he didn't have any injury at all. But in reality, he had millions, it was just too small for the naked eye to see.

"I'm sorry but, I have to do this. Nano Surge…" Millions of Nanobots that looked like sands began to eat away the Vampire in front of her who was already screaming in pain from having his body eaten away by those tiny little robots.

When Fumiko saw that he had already passed out, she began to call back all of her Nanobots before looking down at the unconscious Vampire lying on the ground.