Introducing Yuki Part 3

A.N I'm sorry I got the title wrong for the last Chapter, I was sleepy when I uploaded it and I didn't realize that I made the wrong title. I fixed it now, sorry again for that.

Yuki then grabbed Fumiko by her waist before saying goodbye to Daryl as they were still going to look around the City there was nothing more that she liked at that moment other than seeing Daryl trying so hard to keep himself calm while keeping his jealousy intact. For Yuki, it was stupid and childish for Daryl to feel even such emotions since he is not even associated with Fumiko by any means, he just met her, yet he was acting like a jealous boyfriend because she was there.

So to just piss him off even more, Yuki began to tease Fumiko right in front of him as they were leaving, but her real goal for this was just to make Daryl insane so that he would do something stupid that would be his downfall, and that was she was waiting for. So all of the things that she was doing now were just a part of her plan, even though she was basically using Fumiko for her schemes, she still wanted to do it, she's going to apologize to her by making it up to her by any way Fumiko wants.

Right now, she can't make any mistakes as taking over Daryl's Town is going to be one of the steps that she needs to take if she wants to complete all of her mission in this Heaven. Being the Town Lord would help her a lot since that would mean that she would be part of the Noble Families in Nightingale, which would make it easier for her to meet the Royal Family. Once she becomes the Town Lord, it will make things a lot easier for her, now she only needs to make Daryl the bad guy.

"Ah… the classic but gold. Saving the Town from its evil Leader. I wonder how many times will I break you, Daryl Sencor~" Yuki said to herself as she couldn't wait to crush Daryl's hopes and dreams.

"So, where do you want to go now? Are you hungry? Because if you are, I think I saw a nearby restaurant here." The two of them stopped at a nearby fountain to take a rest for all of the walking they did. This is the time when Yuki then asked the two what they wanted to do, whether they wanted to eat or continue looking around after resting for a bit.

"Chirp!" Yayao chirped as she then flapped her wings clearly agreeing with Yuki's suggestion. The two only chuckled as it seemed that a decision had already been made and they wasted any more time they then looked for the restaurant that Yuki saw, and when they were finally there, Fumiko could immediately tell that it was the most luxurious restaurant in the Town.

"Are you sure about this? This place looks expensive, plus I don't think they are going to let you in because of what you are wearing." Fumiko asked nervously while she stopped Yuki from entering inside before it was too late. She knows that a place like this would have a dress code and because Yuki didn't care about her clothes, she was just wearing a baggy hoodie and some jeans.

"So? What is your point? I have the money, if I want to I can buy this entire Town if I want to. If they're going to judge me because of what I wear, then I'm going to make them regret it." Yuki shrugged as she didn't care about Fumiko's warning and continued to make her way inside with Fumiko following her from behind.

At this point, Fumiko was even more worried about the future of the restaurant they were going to enter because she already knew that something bad was going to happen, and the moment that they entered, they were stopped by two guards who were waiting inside.

"Hey stop, didn't you see the sign outside? We have a dress code in our establishment and your clothes don't match it, so please leave." The guards only stopped Yuki, but just as Fumiko guessed it, the two were completely ignored by Yuki. But before things could get heated, she quickly stopped Yuki and held her by the arm before apologizing to the two.

"Stop it, please don't try to make trouble. We are in an unknown land, it would be bad if we accidentally offend someone strong. We don't have a foot on the ground just yet, so please try to calm yourself down, and don't do anything rash." Fumiko begged as she held Yuki's arms tightly, but before Yuki could even answer, Daryl suddenly showed up beside them with an arrogant smile on his face that only Yuki could tell.

"Oh, are you two trying to go inside? You can't go inside with that kind of outfit, Lady Ayase, but if you want I can speak to to Manager to let you in." Daryl who thought finally found something that he had an edge over Yuki began to act arrogantly in front of her.

But what he didn't know was that he was just making himself a grave for doing such a thing. He intentionally said it aloud which earned the attention of everyone inside the building as well as the people who were passing by outside.

"There's no need for your help, I can handle my own business. Hey you monkey, why don't you be a good monkey and call in your owner, I mean owner, not your manager." Yuki said coldly as she didn't even look at Daryl and only focused on the two guards in front of her.

This caused all of them to be shocked because she was so arrogant that she didn't even want to talk to the manager of the restaurant but went directly to the owner. Her arrogance was just unmatched at that point and even Daryl was speechless.

"Are you fucking deaf, why don't you move your ass and do as I told you?" Yuki was getting impatient as time passed, though this was still a part of her plan, right now she was working with her image. A cold and aloof, but righteous woman who hates injustice, but that was just an act for her to easily destroy Daryl.

"What… why is a peasant looking for me?" The owner of the restaurant suddenly appeared right before everyone and when Daryl saw him, his eyes lit up as he knew that it was the end for Yuki for acting so high. Now that the owner is actually here, he will put her in place, and this would be the time for him to come and save the day. His plan was simple, make Yuki look dumb and weak while he protects Fumiko from being punished by the owner.

"Peasant? Is this how you treat your customers? I guess this place really doesn't have any standards. For all it's worth, it may be just a penny because of how you treat people." Yuki said calmly.