Signing an Oath

"Now…. Do we have a deal or not?" Yuki asked coldly as she looked at Skadi right in the eyes clearly telling her that she was not playing around, those are her real conditions. Even Kurokami was shocked about it because she thought that she was going to ask something else, she was sure that Yuki would ask her grandmother to take care of her which she thought was the only one she was going to ask her, but it seemed that she was wrong. There was more to it than just protection.

"Wha- what are you saying? You want my grandmother to teach me and sister Fumiko?" Kurokami silently tugged at Yuki's arms and asked her if she was hearing things correctly because for her it was just unbelievable. Her grandmother was once dubbed as a War Saint because of how powerful she was on the battlefield.

"Yeah, I figured that it's going to be better if you have someone like Skadi to teach you because I won't really have time to teach you guys as I would also need my own Training, it's not like you guys are the one who can just train, right?" Yuki merely chuckled as she placed a hand on top of Kurokami's head before jokingly saying those words. Though she meant all of this, she only wanted to ease Kurokami by saying it in that kind of way.

Kurokami puffed out her cheeks a little because she was being treated as a little kid again even though it was clear that she was much older than Yuki, but it seemed that in her eyes she was the little kid. But she can't really blame her though, it was Yuki's personality to act like that, but also even though she is older than her, Yuki is much more mature than she thinks she could ever be. There were some things that Yuki could do that she couldn't and that was to make quick but precise decisions under pressure.

But in contrast, Skadi felt that her ears were ringing because this was the first time that she had heard of such a thing, she didn't even hear it from her granddaughter. About the fact that the person that she is going to marry has another woman besides her. With that, she flared up a little but decided not to let her emotions get the better of her as she then simply asked Yuki a simple yet straight question.

"Yuki… let me ask you this first before giving my answer… Do you have another woman besides my granddaughter beside you?" Skadi asked in a slightly cold tone which made even Kurokami shiver a little because in her whole life, this was the first time that she had heard her sound so angry, but she couldn't really blame her because she also knew that she was only asking this for her sake.

In their Family, having multiple wives or even concubines is not allowed and is considered taboo, so it was only natural for Skadi to act like this because of such a rule. But she is also against the idea of having multiple women or men beside one person because she thinks that it is unfair for the other people, or much for the first wife/husband.

"Yeah and so what? Remember this Skadi… even if I have more than one wife, I love both of them equally, no one is closer or better than the other to me. They are just as equal and important to me and if you are thinking of taking Kurokami away from me just because of that, I will kill you." Yuki warned as she didn't even care if she was going to face a god-like entity like Skadi, because if she ever had plans on taking Kurokami away from her, she would need to get past her first.

"You don't need to warn me like that, I was just merely asking just to really know if my precious granddaughter is safe in your hands. But even though I'm giving you permission to do so doesn't mean that you can just capture any woman that you want in the wild, you better get permission from my granddaughter first! Also… if I ever hear that she got hurt or cried because of you, you better bet that I will come and kick your ass." Skadi also gave out a warning, but Yuki didn't care about it because, at the very beginning, she already didn't have any plan of taking any more women.

At least that is what she thinks, but if there was really another person who could make her feel this way with Kurokami and Fumiko, maybe she is going to change her mind, but she doubts it. But of course, she is only going to do it if she gets the permission of the other two.

"Well, you don't have to worry about anything. Now, just tell me your answer now so that I can know." Yuki said with a clear irritated voice as so much time had already passed ever since she gave her condition and Skadi had still yet to give her a clear answer.

"Oh, about that. I don't have any problems with that, but as for teaching your other wife… let me see her first, I'm sure you know that I won't easily teach someone if they are not worthy of my time." Skadi said as she gave out one condition for her which was simple. If Fumiko doesn't catch Skadi's eyes, she will not teach her to which Yuki just answered with a chuckle.

"Come back tomorrow and I'll let you see her, she's currently sleeping, and I don't want anyone disturbing her sleep. But first… let me do a contract first so that you would not violate any of them." Yuki said as she then waited for Skadi to answer her, but what she didn't know was that she was currently so shocked that she couldn't even answer.

Never in her life would Skadi think that there would be someone who would be like Yuki who was so untrusting that she didn't even trust someone who was her wife's grandmother. But then she remembered the words of her granddaughter about Yuki, it seemed that she had really underestimated her.

"Fine, but what kind of contract we should do?" Skadi just relented and let Yuki do what she wanted, but when Yuki said what kind of contract she wanted to do with her, she was speechless.

"Of course, we are going to my favorite contract out of every contract out there which is the… Oath of Annihilation. So what do you say, will you sign one with me?"