Family's Head Assignment

"A hidden cultivator? Was that person strong?" The only thing that their Family Head now wanted to know was if the hidden cultivator that they were talking about was a powerful being or not, because if she was really strong, then it would be too suspicious that a baby Phoenix would manage to escape the hands of such a powerful entity.

"We can't really say how powerful she was, but she is the reason why one of us died, and it's because she tried to run away, that is why she killed Amanda because she tried to run away from her." Leah was the leader of the young and talented group of cultivators. She only got that spot because she was the strongest out of all of them and also the most talented.

"So that is why one of you is missing, I thought one of you just didn't decide to show up because she was scared of getting scolded by me, but it seems that she died. Well, be glad since that means that there is one less person standing in your way of becoming the next heir of our great Family." Their Family Head said without any emotion whatsoever because, in his eyes, those who are weak don't deserve to be part of this Family.

That was the sole reason that their group was created, to find the next heir of the Talon Family. The best one out of all of them will become the next heir, so even though they are currently in a team like this, they still need to look for themselves because they might accidentally die or something, and worse if that was planned by one of them, then that person would have the recognition of killing one of the candidates.

"Family Head… I'm sorry to say this, but we can't really tell how powerful that hidden cultivator is because she has masked it very carefully. But I think she is very powerful because from her aura alone… she is definitely a hidden Master. If the Family Head were also there, he might agree because her bloodlust is not like any other, it was completely terrifying." Leah explained what she felt when she was in front of Yuki.

"Oh, is that so? Well… that is certainly interesting, why don't all of you let me meet so that I can see what kind of person she is? Maybe she can even be a part of our Family if we can recruit her." Their Family Head said as he finally dismissed all of them, he also gave them a week of time to try and invite that hidden cultivator into their home so that he could meet her for himself.

If he found that the hidden cultivator was worth it and was truly a powerful individual then maybe he was going to consider inviting her to become something like an Elder at his house for a few hundred years or so. With another powerful person backing them up just so their Family will stay at the top even longer, especially at this kind of time when a lot of Families are slowly catching up to their Families.

He definitely needs more capable people under him, so if he can somehow manage to catch this hidden cultivator, then his Family's power will grow significantly.

"About that… that hidden cultivator doesn't like people, she even set up a barrier so that no people would go inside her territory to make trouble. That is why she almost killed all of us because we made a mistake which was taking down her barrier and almost killed all of us. But I think we left on good terms, so there might be a chance that she will let us see her again, but I will definitely try my best in this assignment." The young lady said as she swore that she would try her best to accomplish the assignment that was given to them.

"Alright, all of you can leave now. I'm expecting some good news when you come back to me, alright?" Their Family Head said before leaving the room, leaving them all alone, and when he was finally gone, they could finally take a sigh of relief.

"What are you thinking, Leah!? Do you really want to go back to that scary place? If you are going to, then count me out. Even no matter how much you plead with me or pay me, I will never come back to that place ever again just to meet that terrifying woman." Michael who doesn't want anything to do with Yuki anymore refuses to go and there is nothing changing his mind because he will definitely not risk his life for something like this.

He personally saw how powerful that woman was, so why would he sacrifice his life just to ask her out for their Family Gathering? It was just stupid. But it wasn't just him who didn't want to participate in this, it was over half of them, and all of it was because of the same reasoning as that man.

"Yeah, you have seen her temper. She doesn't like anyone bothering her and even though we didn't fight her ourselves, you saw how fast she killed Amanda, it was like in the blink of an eye, she was dead. Look I'm not trying to drag you down and we know that eventually you are going to be the next heir, we have accepted it already. But please, don't drag us into this, because we don't want to die." Another one of them spoke up before leaving after saying all she wanted to say.

"I… well, if that is what all of you want then alright. Those who want to come with me and are willing, then you are more than welcome to, but if you have the same reasons as Michael and Aliehya. Then you are free to leave, I'm not going to blame you." Leah said as she dismissed them and waited for them to leave and just as she expected, more than half of them really left, but there were still 2 people who didn't leave, and she was glad about that.

"You two? I didn't expect that both of you would actually come with me. But I'll ask you one last time, Bruce and Sandra, are you two really willing to go back to that place again and invite that woman to our territory?" Leah only wanted confirmation from them that they were actually willing and they were not forced just because they were scared of getting into trouble, but when she saw them nodding their head, she sighed in relief.

"If that is a choice, then I thank you for that. We will leave tomorrow at dawn, we can meet at the front Gate. Then both of you can leave now." Leah now dismissed the two after giving them instructions and when they were gone, her body couldn't help but collapse on the ground.

"Ahhh… how long do I need to suffer more just to get back to my home?" Leah's voice was so low and deflated that one would be able to tell that she was almost depressed. The previous cold and cool woman before was now looking so weak that as if the wind could even blow her away.