Drinking with the Two

"Fufufu… it's good that you sent her away, it's about time already." Yuki thanked Kurokami by kissing her forehead and of course, she didn't forget to also kiss Fumiko in case she might have felt that she was left out.

"Why? Even though I have left quite late, I know that something happened between you two. Because when my grandmother called me, she said that you wouldn't believe her, so she had no choice but to send me here." Kurokami said as she then looked at Yuki suspiciously she definitely knew that something happened between the two which is why there was that tense feeling in the air when they were having their meal, though she couldn't figure out what happened.

"I'm not going to lie to you, but something did happen. But let's just say that my first impression with her is something not good. I was a bit disappointed honestly." Yuki was honest but at the same time wasn't as she didn't fully explain what happened, she just merely gave out a brief explanation. Though that was more than enough for Kurokami already.

From that, she can guess what happened and it was what she feared the most. Most definitely her grandmother did something to upset Yuki and it was also the same with Yuki, she also did something that made her grandmother to be upset. This was the thing she wanted to avoid the most when she asked her grandmother to find Yuki because she knew her attitude, her Skadi would definitely find some ways to annoy Yuki even if it was unintentional.

"I see… but it seems you also did something to her that made her upset too… But let's forget all of that for now, we should just enjoy the company of each other, right sister Fumiko?" Kurokami looked at Fumiko gently as if she was hinting at her to help her calm Yuki down. To which she only nodded her head and also agreed.

"Yeah! Don't worry about that now Yuki, you have already resolved everything right, and from the way you work, you definitely have finished it already with one meeting with her. So why don't we just enjoy ourselves, I brought some wine shall I open it for this occasion." Fumiko suggested and without even anyone answering her, she already brought out the wine that she stole from Yuki's wine treasury.

"So that is why when I came to check my wine a lot was missing, so you took some, huh?" Yuki said as her eyes lit up in surprise as she didn't expect that the thief that stole her wine was Fumiko.

Of course, being so careful and calculative, she also made some defensive mechanisms for her wine treasury. She also set it up so that anyone in her family would be able to go inside there, but of course, she restricted the children since it was not their time just yet to see that kind of thing. But if one of them entered, she wouldn't be able to know since she wouldn't be getting an alert prompt from her mechanism. Because of this, she was sure that the only shameless person who could steal wine from her without asking was Serene.

"Well… too bad for you! You should have hidden them more carefully then." Fumiko stuck out her tongue to make fun of Yuki for losing her wine. Seeing her being so playful, Yuki couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at this, and in just a second, she appeared behind Fumiko before lifting her up in her arms making the arrogant woman previously to be now so embarrassed because of their position.

As for Kurokami who was watching the entire time, she couldn't help but giggle as she already knew that something like this would happen.

"Now… are you still laughing at me?" Yuki said as she then blew on Fumiko's ear making her whole body shiver. At this moment, she realized that she shouldn't have provoked her because she woke up the beast that was inside of Yuki. But before she could plead for mercy, her lips were sealed by Yuki.

Her whole body felt like it was melting as all of the strength that she was just using to escape her hands suddenly left as she lay there in Yuki's arms, not moving. Kurokami on the other hand seemed that it was not affecting her, but if one took a closer look at her, they would see that her face had a hint of red in it.

"Well, you didn't forget your promise, right? Once I get my body back or at least grow taller, you will have me the pass. How about now, can I get your answer now?" Yuki asked as she parted ways and even licked her lips making her extremely sexy looking when she did it.

"Are you serious about this? Big sister Kurokami is here with us, don't you have no shame at all?" Fumiko was so embarrassed that she hid her face from the two by using her hands. Yuki's words were clear, she meant what she meant, and Kurokami didn't even need to ask what she was talking about.

"Yuki… don't make things hard for her," Kurokami said, but when she finished saying all those words, Yuki suddenly disappeared right in front of her and so was Fumiko, and before she could open her mouth to say something, she felt her vision blurred.

When her vision finally cleared, the only thing that she saw was Fumiko lying on a bed. From seeing this, she already knew what was going to happen, and just thinking about it made her blush intensely. In her time with Yuki, she has only done it with her once, and as for Fumiko who was already lying on the bed, she hasn't done it, and there was one close time, but it still didn't happen.

But now, they might do it all at the same time, just thinking about it makes the two women so embarrassed, and when they looked for Yuki, they saw her carrying the bottle of wine that Fumiko took out in one hand, as well as wine glasses in another.

"What? You two are actually thinking of something indecent? Well… look at you two, isn't that quite cute~ But if you are not against that idea, then of course I'm fine with it, after all… I have been holding back for so long now~" Yuki teased as she already knew that the two misunderstood what she wanted to do.

Even though she did want to do it with the both of them, she doesn't want to at the same time, as she made an oath to herself that she will only do it if she got the permission from the two.