
After giving her the money, Yuki decided to leave as she would now go home, of course, she didn't forget to ask Rami if she wanted to go with her, but she was declined as Rami said that she would be staying there for a month because she will also help her sister to make her furniture. When Yuki heard that she said nothing no more and just said goodbye before exiting the building, but just as she took her first step she noticed that a few people were.

But it was not the same look that she was getting when she arrived, what she felt was an ominous feeling from them, and from that she already knew what they wanted from her. The news of a new type of invention must have gathered the people's attention, but she paid no attention to them as they were most likely from a Noble Family, and she couldn't care less about them since she knew that nothing would happen.

Even if she sees all Nobles as stupid and ignorant, she knows that they won't make a scene for something like this, what they most likely are doing is gathering some information by spying on her. That is why those people who were looking at her that way were hiding somewhere. So knowing that she didn't take out her Nanobot Box anymore and just calmly walked around, since she was here now she might as well look around the Capital.

Plus she might even find something good in this place which might be good for her, but the main reason is that she wants to know who those people are so that in the future she knows who she can target first without actually being punished by the law. Because if the other party did something to her first, it was more than enough of a reason for her to attack them without violating any law.

"Hmmm… An Auction House should be the best place that I can go, I guess I should find one now." Yuki thought to herself as she began to use her Mana Sense to search her surroundings to look for anything that resembled an Auction House, but even after searching and walking for about 10 minutes, she failed to do so as the Capital was simply too large.

"Well… it seems that this is going nowhere, so as them. It has already been 10 minutes and yet they have yet to do anything, they don't even approach me to ask for anything." Yuki was annoyed by the fact that she couldn't find any Auction House, but she was even more annoyed that those people who were spying on her even to this time still refused to make a move.

"Ah, it's all useless. I'll just approach them to ask about the Auction House, if they decide to do something to me, then it would be much better." Without hesitating, Yuki walked to one of the spies and asked him directly for some direction.

"Excuse me, but do you know where is the largest Auction House in the Capital, I want to look for some things that I need, and I figured that it would be the best place to go," Yuki asked as soon as she was in front of the man who was in complete shock after being approached by her.

This was something he didn't expect because their only job was to spy on her from a distance, but he didn't expect that he was about to get approached by that person that he was trying to spy at. So he couldn't really answer her for a moment, but after a few seconds of calming down, he took out a map from his pocket and unfolded it before pointing at it.

"Sorry for the delay, but the Lady can go here. It is the most famous and largest Auction House in Nightingale." The man answered after getting his composure back, but he didn't realize that his words sparked in interest in Yuki.

'Nightingale? Do they know that there are other worlds beside them, I thought that Momozano has completely isolated them from the world. But then again… even Kurokami knows that there is an outside world, so it must be the other way around. The Vampires know that there are other worlds, but what the other Races know is that the Vampire Race is already extinct.' Yuki thought to herself before pushing the thoughts away into the back of her mind.

"I see. Thanks for your help, I was quite lost already trying to find it." Yuki thanked the man before finally leaving to go look for that Auction House.

She didn't need to look back to know that the man's accomplice was already gathering behind him to ask what just happened as she felt that all of the eyes that were on her just now all suddenly disappeared. It seems that what she did shook all of them, now because of this she can leave quietly, so without letting anyone see, she burned a Talisman that was given to her by her Mother.

Just like that, she was gone from everyone's eyes without them even knowing and when they saw this, they knew that they had just been played by her. It was merely a trick from her by questioning one of them and this thought made them shiver because it seemed that she already knew that she was being targeted by someone, and yet they didn't even realize it.

"She got us… she already knows that we were following her. She… we quickly need to report this to the King, it seems that all of us really underestimated her." A man quietly said to his teammates.

"Yeah, didn't I already tell you? The Princess of Talon Family already warned us about her, but what did all of you do? Didn't you ignore that warning that she was kind of some hidden cultivator? Even the Emperor who was viewed as just second to Empress Skadi in terms of intellect didn't believe such a thing, now look at what happened. We could have all died if she really attacked us. But she let us off with a warning." A woman said in an angry tone and everyone could understand her anger because what she said was true.

All of them could have truly died if Yuki wished to, but what they didn't know was that she was still relatively weak compared to the cultivators of this World since she came from a Lower Heaven. The only edge that she has is her battle prowess as well as Skills, but in terms of complete Magic alone, she will lose.

Yuki knows it that is why she didn't engage in a fight because all of the spies that surrounded her were a lot stronger than Daryl. The only reason that she wants them to attack first is so that she can play the victim card. It would be a suicide if she chose to fight them because even one of them was enough to beat one of the toughest opponents that she had ever faced, which was Jin.