Instructor Damian

A couple of hours later, Yuki arrived at her destination, she was now back again in the Capital. Even though she was here, she wasn't going to check in the furniture that Stellar was making as it was not as important as her real business here. She was going to look for the Adventurer Guild and it was only appropriate that she do it in the Capital as it is the largest city of Nightingale.

It always amazes her how big the difference is between the Immortal Realm and the Mortal Realm, at most, she even finds it funny. The Capital of Nightingale was as big as an entire Star, and that was just a city. She couldn't even think how many people are living there as well as how they manage the entirety of it because for her it is just too massive. That alone was simply too much and to think that it was just a city was simply absurd.

Even the Royal Castle which was the home of Kurokami was almost the size of the biggest mountain on Earth if there were ten of it in one place, it was that big. However, because of the massive size of the buildings that were in the Capital, it wasn't hard for her to find the Adventurer Guild as she just flew inside the Capital without fear since she knew that she wasn't breaking any rules whatsoever. After all, the Capital allows all flying objects in their sky.

Since the Black Lightning was almost entirely different from any normal plane or jet, it can hover in the air and doesn't show any signs of going down. So she just hovered on top of it before opening the hatch to jump down and when she landed she put on her Fox Mask before storing the Black Lightning back in her Spatial Ring.

After going inside, she could immediately sense all eyes on her, but it was just as she expected since she basically came here unnoticed and her entrance was quite unique. But just as always, she merely ignored all of them as she went on ahead and went towards the clerk's table to register as an Adventurer since she was sure that her Adventurer ID wouldn't work there. Plus even if it works, she was not stupid to show it since she would be questioned where she got it, and of course, if she decides to lie, they would just need to investigate if she was telling the truth.

"Hello, I would like to register as an Adventurer," Yuki spoke in a cold and indifferent tone. As for the clerk, he was used to this kind of people as it was part of his job, so he merely nodded his head before handing Yuki a piece of paper to fill out.

"Just fill out this paper, after you are done you can enter the Recruitment Hall which you will see in our basement. Give this paper to one of the instructors and he/she will tell you what to do next." The man said professionally as he then continued what he was doing.

Yuki just nodded her head and calmly looked at the paper in her hand and reading through it made her raise an eyebrow at it.

Name - _______

Age - _______

Family / Sect / Guild / N/A - _______

Class Type - _______ (ex. Swordsman, Mage, etc)

Elements - _______

Cultivation Rank - _______

"What the fuck, why the hell do they need to know from which Family or Group do I even belong to?" Yuki asked herself, but she didn't pay too much attention to it anymore since there was an option for her where she could not put anything on it. She will just fill out the rest other than that.

'Heh… I think I now know the reason why they ask you that. That either means how far you can reach being an Adventurer since they base it against your status, or they simply just want to know your status. But I highly doubt it.' Yuki smiled to herself as she just put N/A on the paper since she was not the slightest afraid that it might really affect her journey to become the number 1 Adventurer in Nightingale.

Because even if she were not on the list, at least in the eyes of people it would be different. This was mostly the reason why she chose to become an Adventurer because even if she doesn't win in name or title, in the eyes of people where it would matter the most, she can confidently say that she's going to take over that spot.

After finishing filling out the paper, Yuki stepped inside the basement to go to the Recruitment Hall, and when she entered she was immediately stopped by one of the instructors there who asked for her paper. She then gave it and waited for further instructions.

"All right, since you are a Fighter Mage, I will be your Test Instructor for today, my name is Damian. I will conduct a 4 part Test consisting of the Raw Magic Test, Physical Strength, and Weapon Mastery, and finally, you will have to spar with me with your final test. You can always call off one test if you want to be at your best." The man said after reading Yuki's paper as he looked at her with curious eyes since it was not every day that he saw someone who used both hand-to-hand combat as well as magic.

Normally one would see just one, but he could tell that Yuki was different from other people. Even though he can't see her face, just the aura alone that she was releasing tells him that she has seen and won countless battles in her life.

"Hmmm. I see… That isn't a problem though, we can do everything today. So… what should I do for the first test, which is the Raw Magic Test, do you want to feel my Qi?" Yuki asked curiously as she began to walk around the Recruiting Hall with curiosity.

"It's actually easy. We have a machine that tests your Qi Potency here-" Before Damian could finish his words, he was cut off by Yuki who already opened her mouth to say something.

"That's boring, don't you think? I just need to put my hand over something, right? Let's just get it over with, I was hoping that it would be something interesting at least, but I guess I was wrong." Yuki sighed in disappointment after hearing how Damian would conduct his test.

"Actually, we have a different way. That way is old fashioned, we have a much more advanced way to tell if your Qi is really potent or not."