Physical Strength Part 3

When Damian was finally back, he was surprised to see that everyone had a dreadful look on their face, and the room was eerily quiet. But he didn't say anything as he just ignored everyone to give Yuki her new training equipment, he didn't even try to ask her what happened as he already had an idea of what happened.

"You can start now and please… do not, I mean at least try not to break our equipment. It's not that it is expensive, but it is a hassle trying to get some more equipment from the Federation." Damian said with a light tone as he kindly reprimanded her. Yuki chuckled at his words and decided to continue with her Physical Test.

She decided to use the Speed Test now since she was also quite curious about how fast she could run because she always flew and she really didn't know how fast she could run. But now that she can have that chance she'll take it without hesitation and since it looks like a treadmill, she just got on top of it and started running.

At first, she was only running at minimum speed since she wanted to build it up but as time passed, she began to run faster and faster until her legs almost became blurry because of her speed. Because flying would always be faster than running, Yuki felt that there was a huge difference between these speeds, but she felt that if she used her Kaiser form and truly ran at her full speed, she might break the Mach 10 mark because right now she is seeing on the scale that she was at the maximum speed of Mach 6 and was on average of Mach 3.

Which for her was quite slow because when she flies, she can easily reach Mach 10 without trouble and her fastest record was Mach 15. But if she again uses the Kaiser form she theorized that she can reach twice that speed. Though there was no reason for her to do that since she would give herself away as a Beast and not a Vampire, that would be just a straight death sentence for her.

"Huff…" After getting off she took a deep breath before casually taking her mask off to drink some water, but because she was facing away from them none of them saw her face. But they just saw a glimpse and all of them instantly felt something inside of them, even Damian was not spared. They were instantly captivated by her beauty even though it was just a glimpse.

When she turned around again she was already wearing her mask and everyone couldn't help but feel disappointed, even the woman felt sad that they weren't able to see how beautiful she really was. But none of them had the courage to ask her if they could see her face as they began to see how powerful she was and the scariest part is that they don't know anything about her apart from her powers.

"Stamina… do I just need to tire myself out? Because if that is what I need to do, then we will take a few days or even weeks at most at this." Yuki asked in an indifferent tone as she looked over at Damian to only see him gawking at her, but she decided to ignore it since she knew the reason for it already.

"Ah, no! This test is different because it is kind of mixture of strength and stamina tests. As you see, this Test is inside a whole other chamber, and you just need to go inside of it. Once you step inside you will choose how strong the gravitational pull is going to be and that is your strength, you need to stand straight without falling and if your body bends once, it is over and it's considered as a failure. So be smart and choose the correct difficulty." Damian explained as he opened the door of the little chamber that Yuki would be entering.

Hearing his answer, Yuki merely nodded her head as she got inside before closing the door behind her. As soon as she entered, a pedestal suddenly appeared before her, and it was where she would put what difficulty she wanted to get in with.

There were 5 levels that she saw there. The lowest was planetary and the highest difficulty was black hole, and when she read that she felt her body shiver. Even if she is confident in her abilities, she knows that her body would instantly explode if she were to try that, just a mere second of her being hit by it would pulverize her body and that was something she doesn't want to ever experience.

At least with the second highest, which was Star. She at least knows that she has a chance of beating it, but she doesn't know how long she has to survive with that kind of gravitational pull since it may differ for every difficulty. So she began reading the description for the Star difficulty as she knows that is what she wants to go after since she doesn't want to go for mid-results.

"Survive for a whole hour… fuck. This going to be a lot harder than I thought it would, even if I use my Kaiser form it would look weak! I want to use my base form to really know my limits… but a whole hour, it's going to be hard." Yuki thought to herself as she stopped for a moment to think about what she should do,

What she was truly only worried about was her Stamina, in her body strength she was confident that she would be able to pull it off. The bracelets she wore each had the same gravitational pull as the Jupiter which was insanely strong already and she didn't even get tired from it now, her body had adapted to it nicely. When she first wore them, she felt her whole body sinking into the ground because of how strong it was, she wasn't even able to walk normally for a whole 3 weeks.

But now her body had fully adjusted to it and there was no sweat, so she was sure that she could take a Star's gravity, of course, there was still that lingering fear, but she was 80% confident that she would be able to take it. She just doesn't know if her Stamina would be able to keep up with that kind of pressure.