Shocking the Demon

"Well, never mind that question for now since it is clear to me that you are not going to answer my question judging from your reaction. Instead, answer me this, I'm sure this is allowed." Yuki said as she took the Cosmic Dragon out of her chest before pointing it towards Ciel who flinched because of her actions as more shocking events just kept happening right in front of her.

"From how strong I am currently, I can only use until the Third Slash. But that is it and right now it is not even giving me any information on the Fourth and so on, so would you care to tell me those?" Yuki asked simply and when Ciel heard it, she thought about it for a few seconds. Seeing this Yuki knew that she was right, there were some things that these Demons could say to her, and from this, she knew that they were bound by the System too in some way.

"I can tell you… but I'm bad at explaining. Would that be alright Master?" Ciel asked shyly if Odin was here to see how the Demon that was torturing him endlessly day by day.

"It's fine, I'm already quite used to that kind of thing." Yuki just chuckled remembering the two little girls who always wanted to say something to her but were bad at explaining it just made her laugh, but because of it, she got used to it, and even got better at understanding them no matter how bad the explanation was. Though it wasn't really bad, it was just for her it was not a complete explanation.

"The Fourth Slash belongs to big brother Oasis, his Curse basically makes the Enemy Greedy, and I know it might sound stupid. But his Curse is actually one of the most special ones because you can use him as a Toy. With his hands, he can steal anything he wants, no matter what it is, whether it is in the hands of a God or not, he will be able to see it, but the catch is that, he needs to see what you want to steal. It's a curse because if you actually hit someone with it whatever he sees will fall onto his hands, no matter if it is Weapons or even clothing. Wait… now that I think about it, it's actually quite dumb." Ciel said and her last sentence was basically a whisper as she was afraid that she might get hit by him.

"Hmmm… that is actually interesting. Then what is the next?" Yuki continued as she was amused after hearing what the Fourth Curse was. Even though it did sound stupid just like what Ciel had said, in some way, it was stronger than the other three already.

If she uses a Dummy or just a trash Living Being as a Dummy, she would be able to use them as an insane stealer, and on the battlefield, it would become extremely powerful. If the Curse really worked that way, she just needs to make that person look over at her enemies, and everyone that he/she looks at will be removed from everything that they wear or hold. That was more than enough already, even if they had hidden treasures, it wouldn't do much as they were pretty much defenseless.

"The next one is the Fifth Curse, which belongs to big sister Faye. It is where wrath burns the person you have cursed, their heads would be filled with nothing but wrath, anger, destruction, just everything that you could think of basically negative. But the thing with this Curse is that you will be able to control that person for a certain amount of time, but it would depend on the Master's current Power." Ciel explained another one and just as she was about to continue she was stopped by Yuki to which she looked at her confusedly since she thought that she should explain everything to her.

"You can stop there, that is all the thing that I need to know. Now come with me, I want to test a little theory of mine." Yuki said and without saying anything more she began flying deeper into the woods to hunt for some unwanted Beast that she could find.

When she finally found one, she just asked Ciel to watch everything from the sides. Naturally, she was confused at this because she didn't even know what it happening, but when she saw Yuki raising her blade against the poor Beast, she finally understood what was she planning.

'Is she thinking that she can use the Fourth and Fifth Slash just by conceptualizing it from my words? She hasn't even unlocked it yet as the System hasn't granted her any permission to use them! There is no way, right?' Ciel thought to herself, but the certain words that came out of Yuki's mouth sent a shiver down her spine.

"5th Slash: Satan's Curse~" Yuki smiled as she just casually grazed the giant Wolf in front of her and when she saw nothing happened she was confused at first since her theory was wrong.

She thought that as long as she could conceptualize it, she would be able to use it naturally since that is what she did with the first all the way to the third. So she naturally thought that she would be able to do the same with the rest of them, the only thing that would hold her back from using them was the power that she needed to use.

"Did I do something wrong?" Yuki began to question as she began to look at the Wolf in front of her and examine where she had gone wrong. But just as she went closer to the Wolf to inspect it, it suddenly attacked which she didn't expect.

Normally when Beast came in front of her who was naturally weaker than her, they would cower in fear, they wouldn't even try to fight, they would just run away. This time it was different, but because of her quick reflexes, she quickly held the Wolf by its throat using her Ice Chains.

"Did it actually work, because it seems that this thing is going insane. What do you think Ciel, did it really work?" Yuki turned behind her as this was the reason why she asked Ciel to follow her since she would be the one to know if it actually worked.

"Master…. It kind of worked. Normally when you use it they would go on a Rampage as soon as you slash them. Not only that, but their power would continuously get stronger as they destroy more things or kill more things. Why don't you try it, if it doesn't work, then you kind of did it, but just not perfect." Ciel who had already gotten over her shock explained to her, but before Yuki could even say anything, she had already handed her a Soul that she grabbed from her Space.

"Try this Master, slam this into its mouth. This Soul is already nearing its death anyways, there is no more fun in torturing it." Ciel casually said, Yuki raised an eyebrow at this, but just shrugged it off.

When she did what Ciel asked her, nothing happened. Even no matter how many the Wolf had killed nothing happened and it was finally clear to her that it didn't work and she needed more practice.