Gift to Ciel & Yaoyao Woke Up

Ciel only laughed at this and simply continued to watch how the Black Hole began to destroy everything in its surroundings, at first it was only beginning to destroy every Concept that was around it, but now that it was done, it began devouring anything in its sights. But when Yuki ordered her to stop as everyone there was already dead, she canceled her black hole.

Yuki wasn't even the slightest worried that the people she wanted to live with had died, as she already knew that they were alive because of her keen senses. She has noticed that even with such a powerful Black Hole destroying everything around it, some people remained alive even with that.

"Now… I want you to do the same as with all these other places, but do you think that you can make them all go off at the same time? But also you have to nuke them, basically just explode there, I don't care whether everyone dies or some will leave, the important thing is that I want you to give a message to the world that none of them can mess with my Family." Yuki asked and when Ciel heard it, she grinned before bowing her head as she took a closer look at the coordinates.

She then simply nodded her head before snapping her fingers and when she did, a huge explosion and earthquake erupted, and when Yuki felt it. She had a light smile on her face as she knew that Ciel had done a great job.

"Good, it seems that you Demons would be very hopeful. You can go back now, and you can also have this as an additional reward from me." Yuki casually dismissed her but before she truly let her go back, she threw a few things at her which made Ciel confused as this was the first time seeing something like this.

"I know that you are bored inside of your Realm, so this will help you. You can use this to ease your boredom. But remember, you will need to set this up first, but you don't have to worry, I have already put the instructions there and it should be easy, you can even use some of your useless souls to power this." Yuki explained to her.

Ciel however just looked even more confused but she didn't say anything and just bowed her head before disappearing right before Yuki's eyes. When she was finally back, she opened the small box and inside was a small black object, at first sight, it seemed so normal, but when she touched it, it suddenly lit up. There was also countless of information surging inside her mind.

"So this is a phone…" Ciel muttered under her breath and without wasting any more time, she began to set it up as the instructions said.

Meanwhile, back at Yuki's side, she simply went back to her house as if nothing happened. But of course, she deliberately made it slow so that she could see the destruction that she created and when she heard the cries and agony of the people below her, she simply smiled as it was like music to her ears. Hearing the cries, agony, and help of the people who mercilessly bullied her cute little pet.

As she was flying, she felt something shift in her head, she immediately knew that Yaoyao had been awoken. So gently taking her in her hands, she took a closer look at her, and when she saw that her complexion was better, she sighed in relief as it was a good sign that she no longer had a nightmare even though she only slept for a few minutes.

"What's wrong? Are you having trouble sleeping again?" Yuki simply asked as she merely feigned ignorance even though she already knew the answer to her own question as she would still like to hear it with Yaoyao's own mouth.

"Chirp!" When Yuki heard this all her worries instantly disappeared, even though Yaoyao was verbally speaking like a real bird, she could hear and read her true thoughts.

"That's good, you can go back to sleep you know? You don't need to see this mess." Yuki simply smiled as she gently tapped Yaoyao on her head. But Yaoyao only shook her head before chirping once more.

"Why would you want to watch? There is nothing to watch here you know, there are only people suffering. They are the people who made you suffer, so what gives me no right to do the same to them?" Yuki simply chuckled but when she heard the sad chirp in Yaoyao's tone, she simply sighed.

"Yeah… I know that I have killed civilians. But I do not care about them, I know that is hard to accept you. But when you were born, I'm sure that you already have some clue about what kind of person I am. You see… I am a person who I will just say in the middle, but that would be hypocrisy of course. See… I'm not good, there's no goodness in my heart, it has long died. I'm evil, I guess you can say that about me." Yuki said as she looked away for a second to the innocent people lying on the ground lifelessly before continuing.

"I don't really care how people see me, of course except for you bunch. You are the only people who I care about. Because honestly… I'll let this world burn even die as long as I can have all of you by my side. I kill people without mercy like it is nothing to me, it's even like a habit at this point. Now… the only exception for this, is that when you leave me. Then you are free to go, I won't even stop you, but of course that is if you really ultimately decide that it would be best." Yuki said without any emotion in her tone.

But even though she said that like she was already used to people leaving her, there was still that pain in her heart that she couldn't hide. It was a pain for her, the same pain that she felt when her loved ones died and decided to leave her. She even begins to think of how stupid and weak she is.

She has promised herself and even dedicated that she should never let anyone near her heart again, but here she is again in the same boat, she let someone too close to her heart again, and now she is afraid that they might leave her again. She knows her personality too well, she is an evil and terrifying person who is not afraid to have her hand stained with blood, whether it is the blood of her enemies or innocent people, not of it matters to her.

"I'm cruel, right? Don't worry you can be honest, I have heard way worse about what people think of me. I'll even give you the freedom to run now, especially now that you know what kind of person your Master is. Well, it's not like we have a contract anyway, so if you want to can leave." Yuki casually said and she thought to herself that at least with Yaoyao, she still hasn't been attached to her that much, so there shouldn't be too much pain when she leaves her.