Conquering the Mystic Realm Part 2

At last, Yuki finally entered the Mystic Realm with a calm aura around her that made the other people jealous and some even confused because they would never think that someone could be so calm when entering a Mystic Realm as that is one of the most dangerous places that someone could enter.

"She… That kind of arrogance is sometimes the downfall of people. She better knows what she is doing or else she is going to suffer big time if she always acts like that." An Elder commented and some of them simply agreed with her words because they knew that she was right as being arrogant would not work, sometimes people need to be humble and lower themselves when it is needed.

But from what they saw and heard from the rumors, it seems that none of that applies to her as the woman before them was too arrogant but she still had the strength to back it up as no person could do what she just did. Ranking in the Legend Ranking was already a feat in itself but completely destroying sets her in an entirely different league.

As soon as Yuki entered inside she was met with a bustling city which she didn't expect because she thought that she would arrive at something like a jungle, mountain, or even the sea, but none of her guesses was right as she was teleported in a City. With this, she instantly felt that something was wrong because from the information that she read and heard the Mystic Palace Realm was a desolate realm with no signs of Vampires.

So without even hesitating, she took out her Gun and began shooting everyone with a sigh as she finally realized that the thousands of Vampires that she was looking at, all of them were disguised as Monsters and Beast.

"So I was right, someone used an Illusion Magic on me as soon as I arrived. This is interesting… I'm still getting points so it could only mean one thing, someone is doing this and they are not a part of any Sect. He/she is living inside of this Mystic Realm." With her quick thinking, she deduced that someone used Magic on her as soon as she arrived and if she could guess it was the person who set it up or at least had a connection with that person.

As soon as she began shooting all of them, her surroundings began to change, from a bustling city it now became a swamp, and that made Yuki instantly irritated. As she was not expecting the Illusion to instantly stop, she wasn't prepared and caused her legs to be submerged in the dirty swamp water.

"You fucker… now you've fucking done it," Yuki muttered under her breathe as she stood on top of the water freezing it completely, she then ignored all of the enemies that were coming after her and instead was busy cleaning herself up because she was completely disgusted by what just happened.

"Can you not? Can't you see that I'm cleaning myself?" Yuki spoke coldly as she blew the head off the Beast by shooting it with her shotgun while only using one hand, but when she saw that her warning was to be ignored by those Beast and Monsters which she could fully guarantee had a mind of their own. She finally snapped.

"Useless things… Since all of you are useless, can you die?" Yuki said in a murderous tone that made even the spectators who were watching unconsciously shiver in fear and even though Yuki wasn't physically with them, they were terrified at her.

But their fear only multiplied when they saw the once swampy and wet area had now turned into a frozen swamp and with just one look all of them could tell that every living being that was affected by it had died. But the most shocking part is that her Ice had not only killed everything, but it even froze the flow of Qi in the air, and in history, there wasn't any type of Magic that could do that.

"What the… did- did she actually manage to freeze the flow of Qi in the air."

"It was only theorized before, but… but she actually did it."

All of them couldn't believe what they were seeing because what they saw could change the whole world that they knew of, if someone could really freeze the flow of Qi in the air it could decide the battle in an instant. Freezing the Qi could only mean that no attack can even come close to her because for an attack to move it needs Qi and because there is an abundant amount of it in the air it can freely flow in the air. But with someone freezing it, she can easily disrupt their attacks.

So even if you have large amounts of Qi that you can release it still needs the Qi on the air for it to flow, because it acts as the channel for it. They have never really understood why it was like that but since the beginning of time, it has been always like that.

"What a mess… this is now how I would like to get this Skill," Yuki said to herself as she simply decided to change her whole clothes because she simply refused to wear them again after being dirtied like that. No matter how much she cleans it there is still that thought that it was submerged in dirty swamp water. So she simply took out another set of clothes which happened to be a kimono as it was her last clothes that she had in store.

Since she chose to use her Ice Element instead of her Blood, she needs to be extra careful because her Blood Manipulation is still miles ahead of her Ice Manipulation, this is also the reason why she chose to lock it as this will serve as a training for her to make it even stronger, and from the first fight that she had, it seems that she was going in the right direction.

"Fuck me… I don't even know what the fuck should I even do. Conquer the Mystic Realm, fucking hell. Too little information, whoever wrote those fucking instructions is a retard." Yuki cursed internally as she began flying away from the swamp as she got tired of it already, but as she was flying in the air with Chisato beside her, she saw some familiar faces a few hundred miles in front of her.

But instead of focusing on the people that she found familiar she was even more focused on the giant Monster that they were fighting, it almost resembled a Dinosaur that she had seen back on Earth. But it was also different because it was a mutant as it got different parts of a Beast around its body.

Because of this, she rushed even further to get a closer look at it but when she got closer and finally could see its stats, she was pleasantly surprised to see that it was actually an Ancient Lord Beast.

"Interesting… I wonder how much points I will get if I kill this thing~"