Conquering the Mystic Realm Part 27

Just like that, the two made an agreement with each other happily before they finally went down to meet the Royal Family. As the two of them walked down the stairs, the Royal Family was already at the Main Hall waiting for them to arrive. When they were finally in view, all of them turned toward her with smiles hanging down their faces, especially the Emperor, who immediately walked toward them to greet them personally.

"Alvitr… It's good to see that you are alright. Is this your daughter?" The Emperor asked as he greeted Alvitr with a smile before turning to look down to see Elisa hiding behind her Mother's figure while looking at everyone with a curious look in her eyes, though this action may seem cute to everyone as it was almost natural for a little kid to be shy around strangers, that was not the real reason.

Elisa was merely observing all of them, though she was just really trying to see her target and observe now, luckily there was only the main family that came, so she immediately saw the little boy that she would be willing to pass this challenge, and when she saw him, she smiled internally. Looking at the timid boy who looked so shy and out of place only made her job so much easier.

'This is the person that I'm going to kill… Well, this is going to be a lot easier than I thought. It's easy to manipulate things, plus the man didn't say that I can't meet him or control him,' Elisa thought to herself as she then walked forward and introduced herself to everyone.

"Ummm… Hello everyone… My name is Elisa Vicher. It's a pleasure to meet the Royal Family." Elisa introduced herself politely and elegantly, holding onto the side of her dress before bowing slightly. This move made everyone look at her curiously, but not all of them were looking at Elisa with the same eyes, Alvitr was the one who was the most shocked as she didn't expect Elisa to know such etiquette.

But she was proud at this and she couldn't help but pat her head while smiling towards her before opening her mouth to talk to the Emperor.

"Just what you said, your Majesty. This is Elisa my daughter, my one and only treasure." Alvitr said with a warm smile on her face as she then carried Elisa in her arms so that everyone could have a better look at her at this moment she was so proud of her, not only did she look beautiful, but she was also showing such good etiquette.

"It truly seems that way, she's cute and beautiful, and she got the right genetics from her Mother. But anyway, enough of this, shall we go to the living room so that we can be more comfortable? Also… Alvitr, didn't I say that you didn't need to call me by my title unless we are in a formal setting, I don't remember this meeting of us being in a formal setting?" The Emperor chuckled before stopping midway and looking behind him to see Alvitr stunned but she quickly reorganized her thoughts.

"If you say so… August," Alvitr said with a little difficulty before finally leading everyone towards the living room where all of them could sit.

Elisa however begins to think otherwise, she already knows that something is going on between August and her Mother, but as for the reason for it, she is not sure. But with this kind of thing between the two adults, she guesses that August has feelings for her Mother, but already got rejected in the past because she chose her bastard Father over him. But now that she was single again, it seemed that August was trying to capture her Mother's heart again, and her calling him by her title was an obvious sign of rejection, but it seemed that he was not going to take rejection that easily.

Even though he was showing a lot of commitment towards her Mother, this move only made Elisa despise him even more because he was a married person. Even though it was hypocritical of her to think like that, because she also has two wives of her own, August was still different in a way. The biggest reason is that it seems that his Wife is devoted to her husband and from the looks of it, she doesn't like the idea of sharing him with another woman which makes her look at Alvitr with hatred.

Seeing the kind of glare that her Mother was receiving without her even knowing, she let out a silver of her bloodlust towards the Queen to make her stop which she did and it even made her almost lose her balance if she was not quick enough to catch herself. After seeing her almost fall, Elisa was satisfied as she then simply let herself be carried by Alvitr before settling her down on the couch beside her.

"It's been a long time since we saw each other, Alvitr. So… care to tell me the reason why you decided to come back to the spotlight after everything that you have done to leave it? Though I think I already have an idea why you came back." August asked calmly as he also sat down opposite them before drinking the tea that was served to him by the maid.

"You're right, August. It's because of Elisa because she is constantly getting bullied when I stepped inside back to this mansion and saw my daughter get hurt because of my weakness breaks my heart and I vowed to myself to never let that happen, that is why I'm going to take back my title as the Sword Saintess. That makes me have the same power as a Duchess, right?" Alvitr said as she simply shook her head as it seemed that August already knew the reason why she chose to come back.

But there was no helping it because it was also too obvious at this point that her daughter was the one and real reason why she was coming back to reclaim her title no matter what it took. It was not like she needed permission from August to do this because it was completely unnecessary.

"I thought so… But now that you have reclaimed your title back… are you thinking of getting revenge on Felix…" August asked but he made sure that his voice was quiet so that he and Alvitr could only hear what she just said, but with Elisa's enhanced hearing it was easy for her to hear it and she was amused by his question.

All because she was also curious about what her Mother would do to her bastard of a Father who left them alone, will she get revenge on him or has she already moved on and accepted this fate?