Apologize For Leaving Him

Through their cell phones."

"Underage children," I shot back. "I'm an adult. My personal time is exactly that."

"If you were to envision yourself in her place," Dr. Petersen interjected, "would it be possible that you might feel as she does? 

What if you discovered someone was monitoring your movements without your knowledge or permission?"

"Not if the someone was my father and I knew it gave him peace of mind," he argued.

"And have you considered how your actions affect Emmy's peace of mind?" he queried gently. "Your need to protect her is understandable, but you should discuss the steps you wish to take openly with her. 

It's important to gain her input – and expect cooperation only when she chooses to give it. You have to honour her prerogative to set limits that may not be as broad as you'd like them to be."

My father sputtered indignantly.