Survival skills.

'hunt an animal?' Peter was perplexed. "You. What do you mean by hunting an animal? Did you forget about the law?" Peter questioned her because it was illegal to hunt wild animals.

"You are dumb, aren't you? You know it is legal to hunt animals such as wild boars, deer, mountain goats. Right?" Mary was also baffled by his question. She stared at Peter. But after looking at his surprised face, she decided to explain a little bit more in detail "It is common knowledge that each country has its limitations on hunting. It is not like hunting is entirely illegal."

Peter naturally didn't know that hunting some specified wild animals wasn't prohibited. 'With all the commotion going on about the prevention of wildlife and madness, I just assumed hunting was illegal. I still do not wish to reap a life. I can't do it.' Peter was against the idea of hunting.

He looked at Mary and said his thoughts about hunting "I do not wish to take a life. I do not want to kill any living being merely to quench my hunger. No, I can't do it." Mary was now sure. Peter had already lost track of this world's nature. So she decided to probe him a bit further " Is that so? Then why don't you go collect some edible herbs? You can become a vegetarian."

"I would never become a vegetarian. I have been eating meat since my childhood. Do you not know what that means? I can't stop now." Peter was confident about this matter. He further said something crazy "I don't have any knowledge about herbs. So, I can't collect them." Mary was irritated by this answer.

Mary started to analyse Peter's answer 'This idiot has fallen into a trap. This trap is called 'unrealised karma'. Peter couldn't be cruel to sate his hunger. But still, he bought meat from butchers. Butchers have to kill and slaughter animals for their business. But butchers do it for survival even though it is heartless. Peter is ignorant. It doesn't matter if you didn't kill the animal or not. As long as you buy it from the butcher, you too share a part of his karma.

Now, this isn't necessarily bad for the butchers. They have already accepted their action for survival. As long as there are buyers, there will be sellers. So, the buyers play a vital part in taking life. They know it. Despite knowing they couldn't accept the fact. Hence karma affected the ignorant.' Mary gave on the idea of forcing Peter to hunt animals.

"Peter, as I said, I will show you the purpose of life. So listen to me. We are going fishing now. But you will be doing all the work." Mary said to Peter. Peter didn't have anything against it. For him, it is just helping her out. So he agreed to it.

"Now make some baskets from those dry branch veins." Peter listened to Mary and made some baskets. "Good. Break those branches and make them into spears. Just use those sharp rocks to craft the spears." Peter didn't mind her authority tone and did as she asked him to. Peter broke the branches from a young tree. The length and thickness were just right for a spear.

Peter placed one side of the branch edge on the sharp rock and started to whet it like sharpening a pencil with a blade. After creating a wooden spear successfully, he did the same for the remaining two tree branches and converted them into spears.

Meanwhile, Mary created a mesh with the thick twines made from plants and small branches of the tree. The mesh was two meters in height and length.

Mary was satisfied with Peter's work. "Now that we have finished making the required tools for fishing. Let's do some fishing." Peter nodded his head in agreement and left with her. Mary brought Peter to a stream in the forest. Both carried the mesh together while Peter also carried the spears he made, unlike Mary.

The stream was small in length and dept. Mary and Peter placed the mesh in the stream and blocked the stream. The mesh still allowed the water to flow through its holes. Even though there were holes, it wasn't the size where a fish could pass through.

"You hold the spear and stab the fishes as soon as they are blocked." Peter nodded his head again in understanding. He placed the two spears down and held a single spear in his hand. Ready to stab the fishes. Soon after a minute, the mesh blocked three medium-sized fishes. Mary gestured for Peter to stab them or they might jump off. Peter immediately sprung into action and stabbed one of the fishes. Then he quickly placed it into the basket and repeated the same twice. After half an hour, they had caught thirteen fish. Five fish were large. The rest of the fishes were average.

Mary again leads the way back, they both arrive at the hill. Mary asked Peter to start the fire while she cleaned the fish. She wrapped them in a leaf similar to a Banana leaf and placed them separately. Peter had managed to start the fire with his lighter. They burned many wooden sticks and leaves. Mary put the fish wrapped in leaf on the hot charcoal and left it to cook.

"How long does it take to cook? Won't the leaf get burned?" Peter asked. Mary smiled but didn't reply. After twenty minutes, she took the fish and opened the leaf in front of Peter. Peter was surprised that it didn't get burned though he didn't express it to her. Both of them ate the fish and kept some for later.

"Now rest for some time. We will return to the cliff." Mary said to Peter. "You are coming with me?" Peter asked her. "

"Do you know how to meditate?" Peter shook his head. "Fine, I will give you one month, Mary. Prove to me. I do not want to waste much time."

"Sure, Peter. Let go then" Mary stood up and walked towards the cliff. Peter followed her again " Why the heck am I always following her?" Peter walked past her. Mary chuckled by seeing his ego.

"For a guy who said who wouldn't kill to quench his hunger, You killed the fish." Mary started messing with him for fun. Peter was also startled by her comment. "It is just a fish," Peter argued. "It is also a life. You killed it to fill your stomach. Do you disagree with me?"

Peter knew she was right. He felt conflicted despite that he couldn't disagree with her argument. Unknown to Peter, Mary had overtaken him. She was leading the way again. she smiled again when they finally reached the top.

"Finally, It is time to begin your journey. Sit cross-legged below that lonely tree."