Return of Ex-Bride

Madhuri got shocked to see the pandit announcing the wedding ceremony competition.

"Look how sneaky this guy is. He is terrible. I was just missing for 2hrs and he robbed me of my sister!"

She looks around to find her brother and cousins, but not even a single one catches her sight. "What the hell is going on here? Where are Mithun and others?"

In the excitement of the marriage ceremony completion no one notices her, Madhuri goes to the side and calls her brother

"Mithun, where are you guys? I warned you not to let this marriage happen. How can I make Ritu my scapegoat?"

"Madhu! We are locked in the bride's green room. First, open the door and we will talk about this later." Mithun's excited voice comes from the other end.

"Ok, Wait I will come now." With that Madhu goes to the green room to find her brother and cousins.

By the time Madhu releases Mithun and others, the wedding ceremony was over and all the family members went for brunch.

In the Mandap, Only Priest, Arjun, Arjun's parents, Aadrita, and their family were there.

Seeing Madhu coming along with the rest, they can almost guess what had happened here. She ran away with the help of Mithun and others only.

It's just they didn't know why Aadrita was not included in their plans.

Madhu came in front of the couple. She was mad at Arjun, If eyes can kill someone, Arjun will be dead for the umpteenth time.

Without saying anything she took Aadrita's hand and went to the green room with all the cousins without looking at the elders.

If one saw they would think it was Arjun who left Madhu and married Aadrita, not Madhu who left Arjun.

As soon as they got inside the room, all of them started to complain together

"How can you get married?"

"You can't get married like this!"

"Let's file for divorce"

" But, Is divorce needed? They didn't get the marriage certificate yet!"

"Is there any way to invalidate the marriage?"

Aadrita could not control her temper. "Shut up! None of you should open your mouth! I want to talk with Madhu."

All of them become cowards in front of Aadrita. Aadrita was soft when needed and fierce otherwise.

Madhu cleared her throat and started asking

"What and how did this happen? You are not a small kid to get married like this or sacrifice ur whole life for this so-called family reputation."

"Bhavya Aunty asked mom for the promise my dad made. What do you think I can do in that situation? I can only keep his promise!" She looked into Madhu's eyes as she said these. Aadrita's eyes were wet but the pain was not directed at Madhu.

In their family many such things happen, where the elders fight or make them sad but the children always remain together without taking what their parents did to their children.

Madhu couldn't help but feel sad that it was her mother who was the reason or in short, she was the reason " Ok, And you kept it by marrying him. Now what? Are you going to live your life with him? I was not able to tolerate him and his quiet personality for one month. Do you think you can tolerate him for your whole life?"

Aadrita frowned "Madhu! I agree that this is not how a normal wedding occurs but this is the reality. I got married to him. Marriage is not a game where I married him with all the rituals for a promise and the next day I got divorced because it was forced.

It was my dad's promise to your mother to make her one wish come true, while it is my promise that I made during the wedding to fulfill this marriage with all the responsibility."

The reason why Aadrita didn't want to go inside a relationship was also the same. If once she commits something she can't turn away from that.

Madhu couldn't help but convince Aadrita "Just like that, you are married? What about me who will live a life where I have to suffer from my conscience because of me you got trapped in this marriage"

Aadrita was starting to get angry "Madhu, Seriously if I was here or you had told me what was happening between Arjun and you, You would have got married to him by now instead of me. He is not a bad guy and you too are not such a girl who runs away from her responsibility. And I just don't understand how you can run away from marriage. If u didn't like him you could have talked to your parents or even to Arjun itself! How can you talk to these chicken guys and run away?"

Mithun and her cousins were trying to minimize their presence in the room when they heard this.

When the question came back to her, Madhu couldn't help but cower. What she did was completely childish and foolish. She had put the whole family's reputation in question. If not for Aadrita, God knows what would have happened. But still, she couldn't throw Aadrita into the marriage that she didn't want. And she could not blame her brother and cousins also.

What she did was spontaneous, she was all alone at that time, and she didn't want to go into something unknown. She got afraid and she ran away. She didn't think of the consequences after that.

"Now we are talking about you! Why are you changing the topic? And who said it was their idea? I decided to run away!"

Aadrita did know that she was not there with Madhu when she wanted and could not help but soften her tone.

"Do you think I don't know how you are? You would have said you are not sure and these guys would have said they will help you to run away and make all the arrangements."

Madhu was shocked "Huh, how did you know?"

Aadrita looked at all of them one by one and said "Madhu... Madhu... Madhu, I just don't know what to say to you now. The only thing I can say now is that it was fate that I got married to Arjun. You guys don't need to blame yourself. And I don't think he is such a bad person! And for what you guys did to him it's already good that their family didn't blame you and our family."

Mithun interrupted her "So we will let that Arjun guy like that. He is getting a bargain by getting married to you!"

A sly smile formed on Aadrita's face. "How did you come to such a conclusion? Did you forget he is married to ME?"

Everyone said together. "Yaaa...The one who can make anyone's life hell or heaven in a second!"

Aadrita faced all of them and said "And finally all you guys...Do you guys want to enjoy my wedding or not? If you guys continue to oppose, you guys will be locked in the room for the rest of the function also

You guys have already missed the wedding. At least join the after-marriage function and take some photos!"

"Yes..yes..yes...we will come and irritate that guy who stole you from us!"

"Ahhh...Am I looking good? Did my makeup get messed up in the hustle and bustle?"

"By the Ritu, did you Smile in the photos? Whatever happens, You cannot let your mood ruin your wedding photos and videos."

"Yes, And did that guy say something?"

"That Arjun guy was talking to you when we came!"

"What did he say?"

"OK...OK, stop we don't have much time, I need to change to my next red saree for the photograph session. During the photograph session, I will tell you guys all the things that happened here."

Seeing that Aadrita didn't blame her or their cousins for what happened Madhu was relieved but she was stressed also for the reason that Aadrita had to take her place.

She was as afraid that Aadrita will make distance from them after what happened or that Aadrita will become gloomy. She decided she will make it up to her.

She will also not leave that Arjun alone. Since he took their treasure he will have to pay the price now.

"Ok, then we will go back to the mandap and wait for you, let the makeup artist make you more beautiful"

By going to Mandap, Madhu and the others did know that the whole family will eat them alive, but they know that they will have to pay the price for their foolishness. But they just felt the price was too big. They were giving their Sister whom they cherished very much.