chapter 1 the one who always get betrayed is given a second chance by the gods with 7 wishes

Shintayo karaguya was a man who always got betrayed by others and was an otaku in his free time. He was betrayed many times He got shot, survived a grenade thrown at him. But this time his will isn't going to save him by getting nuked.

Shintayo PoV.

Shintayo: where am I? I though I was going to die?

???: welcome to the void I am god and I'm giving you 7 wishes because you risked your life for others even you got betrayed by others. what are you going to do to your wishes? write it one this paper.

I then write what I wanted.

1.) Become the shield hero with all of the shield and its abilities unlocked.

2.) Have the powers including the skills of rimuru when he became a demon lord.

3.) I have all the weapons of Devil may cry.

4.) I want the powers of Gilgamesh including gates of Babylon, enkidu, EA, and Excalibur.

5.) I want to be a demon slime but in an alternate Japan not the same world as mine.

6.) I want a sin and normal devil trigger.

7.) I wish to look like Nero from DMC 5.

God: hahaha! Is this all?

Shintayo: Yes.

God: good luck!

I then got transported in a cave outside tokyo.

???: hello I am your ultimate skill wisdom lord Raphael what can I do for you master.

Shintayo:Could you enroll to the nearest school and turn me into my human form.

I then looked in my hand I saw the shield but I made it invisible to the eye. I then looked at my face and it looked like Nero. I looked under my pants and I have a penis.

1 year later.

It is a year since I came to this world I have been very busy with school and I have been with hajime now I became best friends with him. I noticed someone was stalking him but I let it be. I help him with his problems on school like bullying. I saw yaegashi blushing when I was looking at her and helped her with her problems. I am Shintayo karaguya and I am the shield demon.

2 hours later....

Raphael: master I sense summoning magic that target the intire class.

Shintayo: its OK Raphael its not a problem.

We then got summoned and I became a slime after the summoning was done everyone was attacking me because I was a monster.

Shintayo: its me guys I am shintayo this is my true form so don't attack me you god damn idiots. Air strike shield second shield Chain shield.

Kouki: why is this shield floating?

Shintayo: I am the shield hero one of the 4 cardinal heroes from another world I never come from you world kouki I am an reincarnator. I was given a second chance by god and wished for power I can't attack in the past but know I can. Enkidu!!!!

the chains of heaven tied all of the cleargy.

Shintayo: you the ones who summoned us you going to use us as an escape from the war with the demons! I already incountered this kind of scenario but jokes on you your god is just a faker he is using you as a entertainment.

Shizuku: what are you talking about!?

Shintayo: I already felt betrayal before I came to your world I saw my friends and family die! I will not make that mistake again.

Ehito PoV.

Ehit: Ohhh s**t they summoned a God killer and a Maou at that.

Shintayo PoV.

Shintayo: OK fine I will work on your behalf but I must remind you I am not a saint I am a Maou.

(A/n: if you don't know what is a Maou it is a title of for Demon King in Japanese. now let go back to the story.)

1 week later..

Shintayo PoV.

they have bellitle hajime just because he has the job synergist but unknown to them transmute has the power the create weapons and create ores.

I then show them my stats

Name: Shintayo Karaguya.

Occupation: shield hero.

titles: shield demon, great demon king, the alpha and the omega, the demon slime and godslayer.

Race: Demon slime.

ATK: 700000

DEF: 3000000

AGI: 500000

DEX: 200000

INT: infinite

Luck: 100000

Ultimate Skills.

Wisdom Lord Raphael: a skill that controls the input and output of mana/magicules, it let's its user analyze anything and let them create unique skill . It can also answer everything and let you not need a chant when casting magic or skills.

Veldora Lord of storms: a skill that summons the individual Veldora the storm dragon a godlike species of dragon called true dragons that surpass gods.

Uriel Lord of Vows: it makes the subordinates of the user 10x stronger after being named and it also creates a barrier called absolute barrier enemies cannot pass ,get out or destroy this barrier it can protect you from even a Nova Bomb that can destroy a planet unscathed.

Beelzebub lord of gluttony: a skill that can eat a planet and anything eaten by it cannot get out unless it has the permission of the owner of the skill. It also kills the soul and disintegrate it if it was eaten by the skill.

Gates of Babylon: a skill that can give the owner access to the most powerful weapons of the multiverse. It can also let you access the holy grail and the most powerful items in the multiverse.

unique skills : unlistable

extra skills: unlistable


Physics magic, All elemental magic, spirit summoning magic, demon summoning magic, holy magic, demon magic and soul ressurection magic.

All of them were baffled by my stats ,skills and magic.

all of my classmates: what your that powerful!!!!

shintayo: Yes.

kaori: are you able to summon a spirit?

shintayo: Yes for example I'm gonna summon a demon and a spirit as my subordinate.

I then summoned a demon and a spirit to my surprise it was the primordial demon Noir and the fire spirit Ifrit.

Noir: haahhhah a strong individual has summoned me that can rival the true dragon velzard.

Ifrit: Yes a worthy master indeed noir the primordial demon the strongest next only to the primordial demon and demon lord Guy.

all of my classmates were having an anurism due to me summoning the one of the strongest demons and the great fire spirit Ifrit. But this Ifrit was a beautiful woman with a voluptuous body.

To be continued...