chapter 3 the flash back when i accidentally killed god.

flash back 6 months ago.

shintayo/shin: god so why am i here?

god: just a mach duel if someone was stabbed he loses.

shin: ok fine.

God PoV.

God (thought communication): raphael don't tell shin i gave him a god slaying sword i choose him as my successor of my powers i put a note in my office if gabriel and micheal come to my office they will read it. I want to die to get my soul to rest.

Raphael (thought communication): Ok god.

1 hour later...

Shintayo/shin PoV.

god: now lets start.

We clashed our swords and scratched the sword god was holding.

shin: god are you sure you don't accidentally die?

I said that while fighting him.

3rd person PoV.

Unbeknownst to god that gabriel and micheal already read about the note as they fight and accepted it and continue to see the fight.

Shin PoV.

Shin: Air strike shield!

I then heard a loud clang when his sword got to the floating shield.

Shin: time to end this!

I then stabbed him. He died right there.

Gabriel and micheal: Good job you finally gave the old man his final wish its says here to the note and final will of god you will be his successor he wanted to die in you're hand so that his successor was the one who killed him. He gave you that sword to make you kill him to let his soul to rest so good job.

All of the angels gasped at the supprise that he actually ment to die by my hands. He also let the note and the other angels excamine the note all of it was true it was not forged or false.

End of flash back.

hajime: hey my stats are high after eating the monster and there was new skills.

shizuku: yeah me too i have many skills now due to the skill survivor.

kaori: no fair my IQ here says you two are smarter than me!

then i let them see my restarted stats.

name: Shintayo karaguya

job: shield hero

titles: successor of god, shield demon,great demon king, the alpha and omega, demon slime and god slayer.

race: demon slime.


ATK: 100000

DEF: 1500000

Magic DEF: 600000



INT: infinite

Luck: 50000

Mana: Infinite

Ultimate skills:

Uriel lord of vows: a skill that can make your subbordinates 10 times stronger after naming them. It can make a barriers named absolute barrier it can survive a supernova explosion in point blank range without getting damaged.

Raphael lord of wisdom: a skill that can create unique skills and combine skills to become an ultimate skill, it also allows the owner to know everything,it also allows the owner to control the magicules of the spell and skill and let you not chant the spells and skills.

Veldora lord of storms: lets you summon Veldora the storm dragon a dragon that surrpassed gods he belongs to the species called true dragons. True dragons are the species of dragon that surpass gods.

Belzebub lord of gluttony: A skill that can absorb anything and takes the skills of the ones that was consumed by it. Nothing can escape it even gods it can let somethings escape but it need the permission of the owner of the skill.

Gates of bayblon: it can summon swords weapons and items that are considered as universe destroying weapons. It can also summon items that are the most powerful in the intire multiverse multiplied by 2.

Unique skills: unlistable.

extra skills: unlistable.

normal skills: unlistable.


god slaying magic, demon summoning magic, spirit summoning magic, all elemental magic,physics magic, holy magic,demon magic and soul resurection magic.

Hajime: that wasnt there before!

Shin: i hid it because i don't want the others to see it i trust you not to tell anyone about it.

all of then: Yes!

To be continued.