chapter 5 Saving a tanuki and a rabbit girl

shin PoV.

shin: guys do you remember how OP this shield is?

hajime: yes?

kaori: yeah.

shizuku: go on.

shin: well i can teleport/portal to anywere i want but there's a catch i need to go there first.

all of them: you put us on this life threathening adventure and you have that all along!

shin: well i cant use it in this shield in the labyrith when i first got here and i can't go home with the portal shield my skill told me on to get back home we must collect all of the ancient magic and create an artifact to go back home with all ancient magic buti most important is concept magic.

hajime: why don't you use gate of babylon and find an artifact in there?

shin: well this is only the storage of god where he puts the most dangerous items in the multiverse especially EA a planet destroying and reality rewriting sword. And if i use 1 percent of its power. Its basically a portable hydrogen bomb. And if i use 100 percent it is bassically a supernova explosion.

kaori: then don't use it!

???: help?!


then i saw a tanuki girl with a bunny girl.

shin(mumbles):damn my fetish is acting up because of the tanuki girl i have a wierd fetish when it comes to raccoon and tanuki girls.

shizuku: huh what was that i heard you mubble?

shin: no its just you imagination.

shizuku: you're probobly right about that.

???: help us!

???2: yeah help us!

i open the gate of bayblon and shot swords at the incoming monster horde.

???: thank you my name is raphtalia and that is my companion shea.

???2: Hi.

then its struck me like a truck did she say raphtalia. Omg my fetish is attacking again.

shea: pls help our tribes we have been exiled due to me having a power called future sight. And her tribe was exiled due to them having mana manipulation pls help us we have been attacked by the empire i don't want to see our families die!

Then its struck me like a truck when i heard famillies will die.

shin: Ok.

hajime: you can't just do that! what do they have to offer us?!

shin: shut it hajime have you ever felt how it feels to see your loved ones killed in front of your eye do you really want that!

hajime then though about it and accepted it.

then i created a pelican from halo infinite with my creation magic and fly over there.

i then sing a song named red let it burn

shin: i watched this city burn these dreams like ashes float away is your voice i never heard only silence where were you when our hearts are bleeding where were you when it all crashed down?!

hajime: ohh no his at it again he will mascare the soldiers while singing it going to be a habit so i don't complain because im bored without the music.

i then used the wrath shield and burned some soldiers to death.

shin: Never thought you would decive me where are you now? (How long)can you stand the pain? How long will you hide you're face? How long will you be afraid? Are you afraid? How long will play this game? How long will you fight or walk away?

then i used wrath 2 to extented my flames and made my damage higher.

shin: How long will you let it burn? let it burn let it burn! I watch this city burn these passion slowly smouldering a lesson never learned only violence. Is your world just a broken promise? Is your love a drop of rain? Will we all burn like fire?

then hajime shot at the incoming enemies while shizuku and kaori heal and protect the slaves.

shin: Are you still here? Tell me now... Can you stand the pain? How long will you hide your face? how long will you be afraid? Are you afraid? How long will you play this game? Will you fight or walk away? How long will you let it burn? let it burn.

shin: Will you wait till it all crash down? Will you hide till it all burns down? Will it hurt when it all burns down? Will you fight when it all burns down? Will you stand when it all burns down? Will you love when it all burn down? Will it end when it all burns down? Will you just let it all burn down?

shin: Can you stand the pain? how long will you hide your face? How long will you be afraid? Are you afraid? How long will you play this game? How long will you fight or will you walk away? How long will you let it burn? Let it burn, let it burn, let it burn let it burn.

After i finished off the soldiers and singing we all saved the demi humans.

To be continued..