Chapter 1 Conquering labyrinth No.3

Shin/Naofumi's PoV.

Hajime: Hey guys where almost there!

Kaori: Why did you left poor myu in Shield freeden?

Hajime: Because in case myu gets kidnaped again if we return her to her mother. Were gonna just kidnap her and bring her to myu because i dont want myu get hurt because of the war between shield freendens learders against the demons.

I then nodded.

30 minutes later....

Hajime: Were here!

Naofumi: Yes!! I can finally stretch out my slime body because its hot when i use my human body.

They all are sweating when looking at me like im some water jug.

Naofumi: You're all thirsthy arent you?

They all nodded.

Naofumi: Fine here's some cold water.

I then gave them all 1 liter thermos that has cold enchants to keep the water cold it also has water enchants so you cant run out of water. They then splash in their head with the unlimited cold water.

Naofumi: Your lucky i have that!

We then entered the labyrinth. I then singed Kimi no namae.

Naofumi: What did you look at,

in this empty sky?

I didn't know the reason where 

I awoke from

Naofumi: I became frightened of

the things I believed in harshly,

After all, I threw away everything.

Naofumi:This sky should 

by now disappear and

I hated it.

It looks like it'll break open,

Even if I believe?

Naofumi: Look, your voice saves me,

I'll call out for it many times, the feelings you learned meabout.

Yes, many times I'll scream your name.

Grasp those hands strongly.

Never let go off them again,

Whatever future, if I'm with you, I won't run away.

Naofumi: Into the flowing clouds of that day,

I piled up.

The promise I couldn't protect,

I reflected upon is...

Naofumi: With something I doubt,

I deceived myself.

The tears are now


Naofumi: Repeating bad,

drowning in a dream.

Going astray, it looks like it'll be lost,

in me now.

Naofumi: Yes, your song gave me light like dawn.

It's just small inside my moped chest though,

Because you gave me sure hope, sure hope,

I won't hesitate never again.

Whatever future, I won't run away if I'm with you.

Naofumi: Wherever you are, many times

I'll shout your name until your voice gets hoarse.

Before dawn, I saw a rainbow.

In a world without lies, I want to love you even more!

Naofumi: Look, your voice saves me,

I'll call out for it many times, the feelings you learned meabout.

Yes, many times I'll scream your name.

Grasp those hands strongly.

Never let go off them again,

Whatever future, if I'm with you, I won't run away.

(A/N: No official lyrics released yet, these will be updated when official are released!)

Now when i turned around they were crying because of the song because they understood it.

Hajime: That was a beautiful song!

He was crying we were suprised he never cries until now since we got betrayed.

Suzu was crying due to her understanding what the song means.

They were in an emotional termoil due to the song. Note to self do not let them hear that kind of music genre because they will be in an emotional wreck.

They we then start killing monsters and eat them we forced suzu, and frey to eat it because we have unlimited potions. They also have regen.

Then we all runned while killing monsters we got to floor 98 in 7 hours of non stop running.

We ran 60 MPH because of the monster meat enhancing our speed stamina and strength.

They we got to some demons and killed them using rage shield and ballistic shield. I just shot and burned their bodies no survivors.

We got to the boss room and killed a phoenix using demon dragon shield.

To be continued..