This must be fate!

Anessa didn't bring the conversation further and went on to talk about something else. She smiled, "We can maybe try out a few rides after we visit my friend."

Blake nodded in agreement, but a certain muffled brunette wanted to do nothing of that sort. She released even more muffled noises and Blake looked at her with a smile, "I think Emily is excited to go on some rides so let's hurry to your friend."

'You're so dead Blake Garcia,' Emily internally cursed at him as she stared daggers into his soul.

Anessa swallowed her chuckle when she saw the murderous look in Emily's eyes. "B-Blake, I-I think you can let her go now," she stuttered out.

Blake rose a brow, "Are you sure? What if she starts bullying you again?"

Anessa shook her head profusely as her body trembled on its own, "I-It's fine...just let her go."

Blake slowly took his hand off Emily's mouth and it was like he let a wild lion out of its cage. She clenched her fists tightly as she glared at him and spoke in a very murderous tone, "I'm gonna kill you."

Anessa worriedly looked between the two of them, "Guys...please don't fight."

Blake smirked, "You want to kill me?" Emily narrowed her eyes at him as he continued, "You'll have to catch me first."

Emily's brows pulled together, "What?"

She didn't expect him to say that and take off in the crowd!

Anessa couldn't get over the shock, she had no idea that Blake could be so childish. With a sigh, she was about to turn to Emily and tell her to leave him so they could go look for her friend, but the spot beside her was empty.

She looked ahead with a surprised expression only to see Emily's head slowly disappearing in the crowd.

Anessa groaned, "Why are they so childish?" before taking off after them.

Blake was quick on his feet, but his height gave him away every time, making him stand out in the crowd. Emily was no slouch either, she was not far behind the running shirtless man.

The crowd of people quickly dispersed to avoid being run into by the running trio, but some weren't as fortunate.

Emily who had her eyes solely on Blake's running figure didn't see the clown in front of her. She bumped into him and both of them tumbled to the ground.

When her vision cleared, she realized that she was on top of the thing she feared the most...clowns!

The man disguised as the clown, on the other hand, couldn't believe his luck. He had never even spoken to a woman properly before, but he was fortunate today to have a beautiful woman bump into him and even land on top of him.

The man disregarded the orange wig on his head, the huge red nose he adorned, and his overexaggerated make-up and decided to make a move on the horrified woman on top of him.

Emily was so scared that she couldn't move or even blink; the multiple clown horror movies Anessa forced her to watch flashed through her mind like a wicked slideshow.

She wanted to look away, she wanted to run, but she felt like the protagonist in her own clown horror movie; the kind of protagonist that doesn't survive to the end of the show.

'She can't take her eyes off me, she must be mesmerized as well. This must be fate!' the clown thought to himself, but he couldn't help but wonder, 'Are my eyes fooling me, or does she look absolutely terrified?'

'Don't tell me she's afraid of clowns!'

The clown calmed himself, 'No matter, I'll just show her clowns can be nice too.'

He attempted a friendly smile and spoke softly to not frighten her, "Hello, you do not have to be afraid, I won't hurt you."

The clown tried to come off as friendly and even praised himself for not scaring her off, but unknown to him, Emily was even more terrified.

In her eyes, was a vicious, hideous clown with big yellow teeth. She didn't even hear what was said, she only heard the dark and terrifying voice of a horrific clown.

The clown furrowed his brows as Emily's face contorted even more. What's wrong? he wanted to question but was startled by Emily's sudden bloodcurdling scream.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and focused their attention on the clown and woman who were still on the ground.

"Somebody help me!" Emily continued to cry out.

The clown not knowing what to do tried appeasing the woman but he was only making things worse.

Before things could get out of hand, Blake who has been videoing the entire time pulled the screaming brunette off the clown.

He waved his hands dismissively at the crowd that started to form, "It's okay, she's just afraid of clowns."

The crowd dispersed muttering amongst themselves, not about Emily or the clown, but about how sexy the man who came to her rescue was.

A few shameless women sent winks his way before walking off, but Blake didn't pay them any mind as he waited on Emily to mentally recover so he could tease her.

When her breathing regulated, Blake didn't hesitate. "I didn't know you were afraid of clowns." He chuckled as he played the video, "I should probably post this on TikTok, it's too funny to keep to myself."

Emily's blood boiled as she slowly looked up at Blake who looked so smug it made her sick. "Delete that right now," she angrily commanded.

Blake took off once more and Emily didn't hesitate to go after him. Anessa breathed heavily with her hands on her knees as she weakly called out to the duo that sped off in the crowd again, "Guys...wait."

Blake ran into a building labeled the 'Succubus' Lair' with Emily on his heels, but she lost him after entering the dimly lit building that had an eerie red glow.

"Shit," she cursed as she ventured further. "How did I lose him?"

Moans and skin slapping echoed all around and Emily scrunched up her face only wishing that she could turn her ears off.

"What kind of disgusting place is this? I thought we were in an amusement park," she muttered to herself as she continued to walk.

But, even though Emily wanted nothing to do with what was going on, she couldn't stop herself from being curious about what was behind the closed red doors.

A door set ajar caught her eyes and she promised herself she only wanted to take a peek, and so, she opened the door further.


DollyRoma: What do you think is behind the closed doors?

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