[Bonus chapter]Infatuated with her lover

Blake had no idea how much time had already passed, but he knew he couldn't keep hugging her like that...he needed a plan of action before Emily gets impatient again.

'If I didn't know better I'd say she's acting like a normal woman deeply in love and infatuated with her lover,' Blake thought to himself and that's when it clicked!

Emily was acting like a normal woman in love with a man!

A light bulb went off in his head and he quickly pulled Emily's arms from around him and looked into her eyes.

Emily's cheeks flushed red as she shyly questioned, "Are you ready to have your way with me?"

Blake felt as though his breathing was constricted when a naughty thought passed through his head, 'I could always fuck some sense back into her.'

He shook his head and made sure to bar his mind from any inappropriate thoughts by thinking about naked old women.