An oblivious seductress

Ella touched Emily's temples with the fingertips of her index and middle finger. "Fine then; with your permission, I will venture into the past that you've forgotten."

The room went completely silent the second Ella closed her eyes. 

A familiar pain ran through Emily's head, it was similar to the terrible headache she had in the dungeon. Anessa noticed the pained expression on Emily's face and whispered, "Are you okay?"

Emily clenched her eyes shut as cold sweat washed her body; the pain was getting worse and worse, slowly becoming unbearable. Even her face began turning extremely red.

Blake took Emily's hand in his own, "What's wrong with her?"

Anessa started to panic but she knew she couldn't disturb Ella so she remained quiet. "I don't know." 

Blake ran his hand through his hair, "We need to stop her, whatever she's doing is hurting Emily."