Rules are meant to be broken*

A/N: A bit of mature content up ahead...

The angry, raven-haired woman recounted everything that happened to Blake. Emily got impatient after screaming at her to come out of the bathroom and eventually barged in.

She described how Emily handled her like a ragdoll and pulled her from the shower by her hair before throwing her to the ground in the living room.

Blake could hardly believe it, he knew Emily was capable of doing such things, but his one-night-stand was a lot larger than her, how did she manage to pull it off?

He patted the woman's head, not sure exactly how to comfort her. "I'm very sorry she attacked you," he apologized. But that was not enough to appease the woman who suddenly erupted in tears.

"I already have to go through this with my husband and that woman..." she choked out as she cried on Blake's chest.

"Your husband?" Blake gently questioned and the woman started crying even harder as she nodded.