(Edited) Naked?

"Why did you do that?" Anessa angrily questioned.

Emily stopped dancing when the song paused and turned to face them, "What the hell Hope? I don't recall interrupting your performance with any bullshit."

Hope searched her mind in slight panic for a reasonable explanation, but then she remembered why Blake interrupted her performance. She folded her arms across her chest, "Your time was up and you already got even more time than me."

Emily glared at her and was going to argue with her when she realized that Blake was strangely and weirdly very quiet. 'By now he would've said something to annoy me or piss me off,' she thought to herself as she turned around.

Her eyes went wide when she saw the tired and sweaty state he was in. Anessa noticed as well and both women rushed to his side.

"Are you okay?" Anessa worriedly questioned.