My new grandfather!

Emily happily swung the Victoria's Secret shopping bags she held in her hands back and forth, already forgetting about Steve, as they neared her apartment door. She looked at Anessa who still had that worried expression on her face since they'd left the apartment.

"Why are you still looking so depressed? I told you Blake will be just fine."

Anessa frowned, "He could be dead by now because we took so long to get back with the pills."

Emily rolled her eyes, "You're being too overdramatic, a headache can't kill anyone and we didn't take that long."

"We spent two hours in the mall and the pharmacy would've just been a five-minute trip," Anessa argued.

"I don't know if I'll ever find my underwear and I can't wear yours forever, so I had to buy some," Emily reasoned.

They argued back and forth all the way inside the apartment. Hope rolled her eyes and frowned when she heard their voices, 'They're finally back.'