The truth in his string of lies

Anessa narrowed her eyes at him and thought, 'Have he already forgotten that he attacked me and pushed me against the wall?'

Tristan leaned back in his large, brown leather chair, "You came to me for a reason, didn't you? Why are you just staring at me in silence now?"

'He's right,' Anessa thought. She went through all the trouble of traveling all the way across town to see him, she couldn't be getting cold feet now. With a deep breath, she straightened her posture and walked over to occupy the seat in front of his desk.

Tristan's eyes never left her as he paid keen attention to her every movement. Anessa, however, felt self-conscious under his hawk-like gaze and silently pleaded with her blushing face for him to stop staring at her as if he wanted to devour her.