Make Blake fall in love

Hope narrowed her eyes at Emily, "You could've come to ask me where the bathroom was."

Emily scrunched up her face, "And get a glimpse of either of you naked? No thank you. I managed to find the bathroom on my own so I really don't see what this conversation is for."

She stepped past Hope and Blake and went towards the staircase, "If the both of you are done, please start actually packing."

Hope gritted her teeth and clenched her fists but didn't argue with her further. She looked at Victoria's door, 'Not even I've been in Victoria's room so I don't know how screwed our plans would be if Emily actually saw something in there.'

'Emily, I want her so bad,' a voice said in Blake's head. He touched his head as he mumbled, "Am I hearing voices, or am I going insane?"

Hope touched his arm and looked at him worriedly, "Are you okay, Blake?"