Forgotten but not gone

Emily drank her strawberry and banana smoothie as she stared at Anessa who was seated across from her looking more nervous than when they were getting their acceptance letters for Urban City University.

"What's the matter?" Emily questioned. "You told me you had a lot to tell me and even drove all the way out here, what's up?"

Anessa toyed with her fingers, "I'm so very sorry for not telling you sooner."

Emily was starting to get frustrated, "Telling me what? Can you not beat around the bush for once?"

Anessa took a deep breath before looking at her, "Do you remember what I told you when we got home from visiting Ella?"

Emily furrowed her brows, "Who's Ella?"

Anessa gasped, "How can you forget someone so easily? Ella is my fortune-teller friend that we went to see about the problem you were having."