Suzie's Cafe

Emily and Anessa walked out of the mall with two to three big shopping bags in each hand. "Why is the mall so crowded on a Sunday?" Emily questioned.

Anessa laughed, "The mall is crowded every day."

They placed the bags in the trunk of Anessa's car before speeding out of the parking lot onto the main road.

"So," Anessa started, "Are you ready for school tomorrow?"

"I guess," Emily told her and went on to think, 'Hopefully the other personality takes back the body by then.'

She has been trying to return the body to the other personality since she spoke to Hope earlier in the morning but hasn't been able to no matter how hard she tries.

'A good night's sleep should do the trick,' Emily internally concluded.

"So, you can come if you want to," she then heard Anessa say when she got out of her thoughts.

Emily furrowed her brows, "What?"