
"Is he gonna be okay?" Anessa anxiously questioned one of the doctors.

The young man dressed professionally in a white coat nodded before giving his verdict. "He lost a lot of blood, but he's recovering slowly." He touched her hand, "I promise he'll be just fine."

Anessa held the tears that threatened to fall as she nodded. "T-Thank y-you, doctor."

"Please," he started. "Call me Victor."

Emily who was leaning on the wall to the side of the room rose a brow as she listened to what he had to say next. "You seem pretty upset, how about we go out for some coffee or something? It'll calm your nerves."

She laughed, "Her boyfriend is resting on the hospital bed and you're asking her out? What kind of desperate idiot are you?"

"Emily, don't be rude," Anessa reprimanded her.