Blake and me?

"Did something happen between you and Blake?" Anessa questioned for at least the billionth time since they left the parking lot.

Emily lay tiredly on her bed with her arms behind her head, "I told you this a billion times already...nothing happened."

Anessa pouted, "We're best friends, Emily; we don't lie or keep things from each other."

"Fine." Emily sat up on the bed, "Blake and I had sex."

Anessa's eyes widened as her features gradually came alive with excitement. "Really? That's great!"

"No no, not great."

Anessa furrowed her brows, "It was bad?"

"No, I was amazing, the sex was amazing, but Blake and me?" Emily shook her head, "No."

A pout returned to Anessa's rosy pink lips, "Why not? The both of you would look so cute together."

Emily hummed, "I'd probably consider him if he was the last man left in the universe, but otherwise, no."