(Edited) Where are you, Hope?

Emily slammed Anessa's car door, "I can't believe that...that devil woman! If anything happens to Steve I swear on my life I'm gonna kill her."

"Let's ensure nothing happens to him." Anessa glanced at her watch, "We only have two hours to find Hope, so we should probably split up here."

Both entered the elevator connected to the underground parking lot as Anessa continued, "I'll check my apartment and you check yours."

The frown that appeared on Emily's face shortly after made Anessa furrow her brows and looked worriedly at her friend as she asked, "Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing really, it's just..." Emily trailed off before confessing, "I'm afraid Blake might be there."

Anessa sighed, "You'll have to talk to him sooner or later you know? The both of you barely talk anymore."

"No no no."

Anessa furrowed her brows, "Why not?"