(Edited) Will you help me?

Emilia's head whipped in the direction of the voice. Victoria was speaking to her for the first time, but she couldn't understand what she was saying to her. "What deal? What are you talking about?"

Victoria stepped into her room without permission and plopped down beside her on the small bed before crossing her legs at her knees. "Let me ask you this," she started as a devious smile formed on her lips. "Why do you think your mother, rather the woman that gave birth to you left you here with a bunch of strangers."

Her mother told her that it was so they could live a better life, a very shallow reason since they were fine before, so Emilia didn't believe it, but she refused to believe she was abandoned.

Emilia tightly fisted the sheets, "The dangerous-looking men that visit her often made her do it." She continued in her head, 'She must be in some kind of trouble with some very dangerous people and wanted to keep us safe to have done this.'