(Edited) Sadistic Pleasures*

Emily sat still for a moment before returning the first-aid supplies to the medical kit.

Darniel rose a brow, "You don't seem at all worried."

"Because I'm not," Emily started. "If Victoria wanted Anessa dead, she'd be dead long ago. Plus, she already has Tristan, so it's not like she needs her to lure him out or anything."

"She has Tristan?"

"Yea, she has everything she needs to make her plan work. Excluding Tristan, she has a completely loyal hypnosis master, all our enemies from years past, and..." Emily paused meeting his emerald green eyes before saying, "Our daughter."

She looked away before continuing, "The only thing standing in her way is the fact that you're still alive, but it won't be long before they find us here."

Darniel took his phone from his pocket and without saying anything he started dialing a number. Emily watched him curiously, "Who are you calling?"