(Edited) Something about the cakes

"The car's not going that fast?!" Emily yelled back. "Try pulling him up!"

"I can't!" Monica yelled in a strained voice. "He's heavier than he looks!"

Emily applied more force on the gas pedal; the car was barely moving forward and was mostly making coughing noises as the muffler puffed black smoke that obstructed Emily's view of behind the car.

However, she could still hear the muffled voice of the angry, beer-bellied man chasing them.

"I can't pull him up by myself!" Monica complained once more, pissing off an already irritated Emily.

"What do you want me to do, Monica? Put the car on autopilot? Let go of the fucking steering wheel?" After taking a deep breath, she lowered her tone, "If you can't pull him up then let him go."

"Why can't you just stop the car so we can pull him in properly?"