(To be edited) O_O

Emily buttoned up the white nurse uniform Nurse Daniels willingly gave to her. She struggled with the buttons in her chest area and after much effort, she gave up, leaving her 

*To be edited*

The air seemed to have stilled as both women stood together in silence. Anessa's head immediately generated pessimistic conclusions and the pace of her heart picked up the worse her thoughts became.

Emily didn't say anything more, but from Anessa's expression, she knew she was right. With a sigh, she opened the door to the passenger side, "See? I haven't even told you anything yet and you already can't take it."

Just as she was going to enter the car, Anessa grabbed onto her arm. With an expression of determination and willingness on her face, she spoke without as much of a stutter or hesitation.

"Tell me." Anessa nodded, "I can take it."