CH.1 The Beginning And The End

Do you ever wonder sometimes that your life was supposed to go differently then it was supposed to because mine sure did and in the worst way possible for a person to handle?

My name Mathew and my life sucks, from the moment I was born humanity has showed me nothing but its worst side.

I was born to an alcoholic father and a drug addicted mother, so it was safe to say that I dint get any love whatsoever while I was growing up. Instead, I got beaten, force to do chores a child shouldn't be doing, oh and of course scars because again alcoholic father.

In school it was worse, I was bullied constantly because of how poor I was 0of course I fought back but u never won it always felt like I was always weaker than I should have been.

As I grew up life dint get any better in fact it got worse and so did the way people were treating me, but I did find happiness a few things as I grew up such as the normal things, anime, manga, fanfiction and finally mythology. It was fun watching mythology videos on YouTube.

My favorite mythology was the Chinese pantheon and also had one the best mythological hero ever, sun Wukong. I was a huge fan of him as soon I found a video on the journey to the west, this person no matter what life thew at him he always stayed true to himself and that inspired me.

It was the reason that I dint turn into a monster when the option was right in front of me, or when I dint listen to the whispers that told me how to get revenge, like Wukong I refused to be go down without a fight.

And I did I no matter how bad my life got I never took it out on anyone, when I got bullied every day for no reason, when I came home to a cold and loveless house, or when the girl I dated cheated on me because I was poor. I never let those things bother me I pushed all of those darkest thoughts and desires inside of me and gave kindness to the world.

After in graduated high school, I left my parents' house and town not looking back, I had some money saved up from the jobs I would do to sustain myself for my parents would not do that for me.

I dint go to college as I dint have enough money and I doubt anyone could give a loan with my background, instead I went into charity work of sorts. It might have been my obsession of with sun Wukong that develop into a minor hero complex or maybe because I saw the worst in humanity and want to make sure that no person would have to suffer as I did.

But still life still sucked I was worked like a slave and was giving barely enough to live with, my work life felt like high school all over again but I still kept moving on not giving in to the thought that told me to kill to make them all pay what they've done to me no I still kept moving until I died.

I was coming back from work where we were setting up house for the homeless, I tired because pretty much everyone made me do their work, even though I protested my boss made me do all the work.

As I was walking on the sidewalk, I heard a scream and few seconds later someone my size bump into me causing me to look up ahead.

What I saw was an old woman lying on the ground trying to get up and chase after what I assumed to be a purse snatcher. I looked back and I saw the purse snatcher running away, I knew I could catch him, with the years of running away from bullies and bad luck I was pretty fast.

But the dark part of me whispered 'why should you care about an old bicth purse don't try to throw your life away for something so little, go home and rest' it said int the sweetest voice.

For once in my life, I was going to listen to that dark voice that told me to do all those bad things but then the other voice spoke 'you can't be a hero if you don't try to help those in need' the good side of me said.

And whit those word said I took of running after the thief, the thief ran into an alley way, and I followed.

"Hey, stop right there" I yelled causing him to stop.

"Kid don't be a hero" the thief said and then took out a knife.

A normal person would've been afraid right about now, but I was far from normal. I have been cut, beaten, and hurt since the day I was born a knife dint scare me, especially since I have some training in boxing so don't get beaten up like I used to.

"Someone has to be "I said and took a boxing stance.

The thief dint waste time and went to stab me but I moved to the left and grab his arm, and I disarmed him. After that I took the purse from him and let him go, he did ask why I let him go and I just said that he stole a purse when I give the purse back everything should be okay.

He thanked me and went on his way while I watched him, as soon as he turned from the alley, and I made sure he wasn't coming back I turned around only to hear a loud crack and boom and then I felt water on my chest.

I touched and looked at my arms only to see red, I turned around to see a cop holding his gun with the old woman pointing her finger at me, and then I fell.

As I bleed out should have thought of how angry I was that this lady mistake me for the thief, how stupid I was for playing hero but all I felt was relieved that I was going to rest after such a hard live, for the first time in my life I was happy.

Happy to die like a hero, happy to rest, happy that I never have to endure something like that. Then after I breathe out my last breath and drifted into the dearth, it started to burn.