CH.3 Birth

As I awoke, I found myself once again in complete darkness, not only that but I had no control of my body.

I concluded that I was in my new mother's womb based on the sound of beating heart and the warm and wetness I was felling whit my body. Since I didn't really have anything to do with me being in the womb I went to sleep, because if I couldn't rest in the afterlife I rest here, plus it was comfortable.

It was nice to sleep but when I wasn't sleeping, I felt something new inside me, it was a pit in my stomach, this pit must have been a blessing from that god and since I had nothing else to do, I decided study it.

The pit although small has a dark gold mix liquid in it, the liquid I will admit was beautiful and I was intrigued by it, so I started to see what the purpose of said liquid was because that god never gave me a manual for it. The first thing I did was try to use it which came out to be a failure, so I decided to watch what the liquid was doing.

This did how ever give me some fruits and I was able to see that the liquid was going to about every part of my body and was I'm pretty sure tempering it because after the liquid went to a part of my body I would feel better after the liquid passed.

The liquid however was barely using half of the pits reserve, so I started sending all of the liquid to each part of my body. Doing this was fun to say the least, it was hard at first to even manipulate the liquid but after a while of doing it I was able to do it and then I fell into a cycle of repetition.

I would send the liquid to my body and then rest to wait for the liquid to recharge, I don't quite know how long this went on for, but it soon got interrupted one day when the places I was living in started shrinking.

Let me tell you this I now know why babies cry after being birth and they have every right to do so, with being pushed and squeezed out a person, to experience the cold air for the first time both on you skin and lungs. What I'm saying it hurts but I didn't cry which of course scared the doctors, even after they slapped my but not a peep came out.

"what's wrong with my baby" a sweet voice said tiredly.

"Ah I'm sorry mam it's just that he's not crying we just need to run some test to see what's wrong with him" a nurse said to the voice of who I'm guessing was my mother.

The doctors and nurse ran some test on me which was mostly just hurting me to see my reactions, I still dint make a sound butt I gave them a reaction which seemed to put their worry to rest and soon I was wrapped up in a blanket and handed to my new mother.

"What was wrong with my baby" my mother said after I was handed to her, she had dark hair long and flowy hair that was sticking to he faces, black eyes and she seemed to be of Chinese descent. I was shocked to say the least, not because of how she looked but how I could even see her at all.

I know for a fact that baby should be able to see this good after being born or even have enough energy to still not feel tired but yet here are, it must have been the effect of the liquid. That was good to know I guess Ill be doing this for the rest of my life or until I doesn't have any more effect.

"At first we though that he might have congenital insensitivity to pain we concluded he just dint want to, again we though this must have been something bad but after testing we found that your child is a very healthy baby, so we guess he just dint want to cry" the doctor said holding a clip board.

After hearing that my new mother smiled and took out her breast and pointed her nipple at me, of course I started sucking, as much as I don't care anymore, I'm still not going to waste my new one.

"It seems that I gave birth to a warrior" she said looking at me sweetly, while I started at her with a blank face.

"Yes, my little warrior, now what should we call you" she said.

"Ah I know the perfect name" she said smiling.

"Adrian, Adrian Keir Michael welcome to the world my baby boy" my mother said to me.

Adrian that was my new name in the world, and I have to say I quite like it, something about that just connects to me on a deeper level I as if the name was meant for me.

After eating mother started cuddling me which was something I never felt before in my previous life it was comfortable so comfortable that I soon fell asleep.

Me and mother spent a week in the hospital where I learned I a few things such as I was born on a Wednesday of December twenty-first, 1993, the darkest day of the year, I was born in a hospital in Europe more specifically London.

After we left the hospital, my mother took me to her house which was on the outskirt of London, it would seem that she liked the quite of the land. As we were going there, I was looking out the window to see something strange.

People which wasn't strange, but the strange thing was first they were a blue color which could be mistaken for white and second when the car got close to them, they would turn to it as if attracted to something which I'm guessing is me but hopefully I'm wrong because I don't want to have to deal with that.

We arrived at her house which seemed to be a Chinese inspired house it had a courtyard that were filled with different things you would see in a martial art movie, she soon brought me to a room colored with blue and surrounded by baby stuff.

So, my new mother knew kung fu and she obviously will teach me I still dint care but one question I wanted to ask was where my father was, but I guess he must have abandoned her or something. Since we came in the night I went to sleep after she singed to me for a while.

And with me drifting to sleep I started my new life.