Chapter 8

First was to give most of the quests of the tower a time limit in order to increase the desire for players to complete their quests and the second was to create a different method for players to solely become divine beings which came to be known as succession. However, this would be completely different from becoming a god through the use of the tower's wish system. You see becoming a god through the tower's wish means becoming an entirely new entity which means that you are randomly assigned a trait by the tower that defines your existence whereas being a successor means occupying an already existing trait."

I understood what he meant to some extent. For example, if I wished to be a god through the tower's wish system, then I could literally be assigned a random trait that would define my existence as a god for example I could be assigned a good trait such as the trait of lightning and hence be reborn as a god of lightning or I could be assigned a bad trait such as the trait of porridge and hence be reborn as the god of porridge for all of eternity depending on the random choice made by the tower whereas if I became a god through succession then I would become the god of the death automatically since my trait has already been assigned as the trait of death by being the successor of the god of death.

Comparing the two methods of becoming a divine being, being a successor was much safer in terms of the higher probability of acquiring a good trait since you would be simply attaining an already known and existing trait and the probability of becoming a god was 90% whereas the probability of becoming a god through the tower's wish was 5% and even after becoming a god, there is a high probability of receiving a 'shitty' trait for all eternity. Just the thought of all that effort spent in climbing the tower just to become the god of 'excretion' or receiving the trait of something worse made me nauseous from disgust.

It would seem that the tower wasn't as fair as it appeared to be.....But still something felt amiss.... After all if being a successor was such a great and special thing, then why did Hades say that my life would be twice more difficult despite receiving 2 legendary skills and a title...…and by the way Zeus had looked at me pitifully before I was teleported away meant that he also knew something which meant that I hadn't yet seen the whole picture of the situation.

"However, there is a catch to being a successor," said Hades with a malevolent grin "Being a successor means taking the position of an already existing deity, in essence taking over their trait and reason for existence. In short it means killing the already existing divine being and taking their job."

As soon as I heard that, my heart sank into my stomach as I felt a cold shiver throughout my body as sweat ran down the back of my neck. This was BAD!...SERIOUSLY BAD!!!!.This meant that in order for me to become a god, I would have to kill the divine being whom I am meant to succeed. In short in my situation, I would have to kill the god in front of me right now... I WOULD HAVE TO KILL THE GOD OF DEATH! An entity known in history even among the gods and divine beings as an unkillable entity. The probability of killing an average divine being is 0.0000005% and that is most likely if the divine being is perhaps in a weakened state and if I am in the strongest possible state as a player however the probability of killing Hades, who is a special case even among the gods and divine beings is most likely extremely lower than 0.0000005%.

It was most likely at the percentage of equal to or slightly above negative infinity (x ).

In short…... this was the worst possible situation for me!

Honestly if I had known about this earlier, I would have asked Zeus to take away my legendary skills and title in exchange for removing me from being a successor for the god of death however now it was too late and judging from Hades facial expressions as he petted the large beast, I don't think he is the type of person who would take back what he has given me.

"Ahh...why is it always me who has such shitty luck." I lamented as I scratched my forehead in bitterness and sorrow. Even in my old life back on earth, I was the only one out of all my friends in London who suffered from lack of enough money to go to finish high school as well as the capability of enjoying luxuries such as going to parties and drowning myself in alcohol due to my family's situation however I thought things would be different in the after-life but NOOO!!!!! I was now in an even worse predicament than before considering I was being challenged to a fight by a deity for his own amusement. least things couldn't get any worse! At least that is what I thought.



Hades silently watched the reactions of the mortal Jack as he petted the heads of his pet Cerberus who was also enjoying the reactions of the flesh bag in front of him and his master. The stars in Hades eyes twinkled in anticipation of what the future would bring because even though gods are omnipotent, the truth was that they were not as omniscient as humans have always believed and hence even he did not know of the future but he was at least sure, it was bound to be interesting for next few hundred years or so in the tower and the very thought of it made him smile in excitement.

He couldn't remember how long it had been since the last time he had been this excited and even though he knew that the odd of Jack besting him in combat were close to impossible, he had a gut feeling that he might just be able to best those odds which is also why he had chosen him as his successor although he couldn't help but pity him for the hellish life that he would experience before they met again but in his defense it was the human's fault for making his perceptive senses "in short his gut feelings" react to him so strongly even more so than any other mortal or demigod that he has ever encountered.

"This is going to be fun" said Hades as he laughed softly to himself.