Chapter 18

"Seems that I need to put my new skill to use" I thought as I channeled the mana in my body and activated the skill "King's roar". Immediately I felt mana accumulate in my body before being released, in the form of the roar of a Lycanrin, across a 50-meter radius all around me. I saw the Monisars clench their teeth in response to the skill as they stomped their feet in anger and lowered their heads in my direction in readiness to charge.

[It would seem that skill uses your mana to aggravate the monsters near you to attack you but how are you planning to handle their charge?]

"I hadn't thought of it," I said a little worried. I had only activated the skill in response to their attitude towards me and hadn't actually thought of how to fight them.

"Well I can always come up with a way to fight them in the middle of our battle," I thought as I readied myself, with the two spikes in each hand, in the best stance in knew as I waited for them to charge. The Monisar that was in front of the group raised its head slightly in the air and bellowed loudly, its voice thundering across the Azlin plains, before charging towards me. The other Monisars followed behind their leader, the ground rumbling beneath our feet with each step they took, the air steaming from their hot breath.

The Monisars formed a V-shape formation as they charged, and I couldn't help but want to break that formation of theirs' and so I tightly gripped the spike in my left hand and arched my hand backwards at a sixty-degree angle in order to increase the spike's thrust power. I then channeled mana into the spike, its color changing to a more blue-ish color as the mana completely coated the spike. This was something Anna had taught me how to do so as coating a weapon in mana increases its power and durability hence increasing my chances of winning a battle. Anna really was quite the useful magic AI.

"Here we go!!!" I shouted as I threw the spike forwards in the direction of the on-coming Monisar leader with all my strength. The spike flew forwards, its thrust force ripping apart the ground as it headed towards the Monisar leader. The Monisar leader immediately noticed the spike heading towards him and coated itself with what appeared to armor made of lightning. The other Monisar also noticed the spike heading towards their leader and transferred their mana to their leader causing the lighting shield to grow thicker as it was filled with more and more mana but all that was pointless because while their combined their combined mana was equal to mine, the difference in stats was not.

You see…while mana did influence the strength and defense of an individual depending on the user, it did not change the underlying stats of the person himself and hence if I was to compare my stats with the Monisar leader then my stats were higher because of the difference in ranks since as an individual, the Monisar leader is only a high class D rank monster whereas I was a mid/top class C rank player.

As I had predicted, the spike only stopped for a single second when it came into contact with the lightning armor and then proceeded to shatter the armor and pierce through the Monisar leader. The Monisars that were behind it noticed what had happened and tried to avoid the spike, but it was already too late. The spike pierced through the Monisar as it continued to travel forward in a straight line until it finally stopped.




I stopped the spike with "telekinesis" and commanded it to return. The spike quickly returned to my left hand, its exterior covered in the guts of the Monisar that it had pierced. I shook the spike in order to get rid of the guts and blood that were currently dripping on the ground, turning it green in color. The Monisar had also stopped charging and were looking at each other in confusion as they tried to process what had happened. In the middle of their herd was a large line that travelled from the front to the back of the herd and in this area were the bodies of their brethren, their guts spilling out from the holes that the spike had made as it passed through them. They couldn't help but be confused since this was not how things were supposed to go. After all even the Centipa was not strong enough to break their lightning armor with its strong mandibles but now a creature whom they had deemed as weak prey had ended up killing their leader as well as thirty Monisars. The remaining Monisar looked at the tiny creature in front of them who was now smiling menacingly and that's when it dawned on them. A realization so terrifying that it them to their very core. In this situation they were not the predators…..THEY WERE THE PREY!!!