Chapter 39

"For those of you who don't know, this bastard's name is Vathtuth and he appears to be the son of the Lord of the territory" I then proceeded to slap Vathtuth across his face across his face generating a loud sonic BOOM shattering most of the bones on his face, causing him to shed a tear in pain "….As if that's supposed to mean something to me"

I turned back to the crowd.

"You see…..Yesterday this bastard wanted me to lick his shoes clean even though I had done nothing wrong and well like any sane rational person, I gave him a little punishment and sent him on his way" I said smirking towards the interested crowd. The demons, at this point, were mummering among themselves about what I did to Vathtuth while a few demons' eyebrows furrowed as they immediately recognized who I was. They were people who were probably present yesterday in the tavern during the Vathtuth incident.